'Well Joshua. Don't call me seken. My name is Emily.'

He looks at me and smiles. Then I feel myself driften away. I close my eyes and don't open them. 

'Heda!' I hear Joshua scream before I can't hear or feel anything anymore. 


I feel something on my wound and my eyes shot open. I scream out of pain. I feel hands holding me back. I look my wound and see hands on it. I take my gaze up to look at person. Clarke. 

'Clarke, what are you doing here?' I let out before I scream again.
'I'm trying to save you're live.'

She pulls a needle through my wound and I scream. I scream as loud as I can. I can't hold it anymore. It hurts like hell. Suddenly I see Anya rushing in. She looks angry at Clarke. 

'What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to kill her? Because that will cost you're boyfriend his life,' Anya spits out. 
Boyfriend? Is Finn here?!

'I'm just closing up the wound so that the bleeding will stop. I'm trying to save her life Anya,' Clarke says concentrated. Anya is gone again but there is one Grounder stays.

'I'm sorry Emily. I told Bellamy not to place the bomb on the bridge but he told Raven to do it,' Clarke says with guilt in her eyes.

'It's okay. Of course it hurts but it will heal. But hows Bellamy?' I ask.

I actually don't wanna know the answer but I ask it anyway. Clarke looks worried at me. Oh, this can't be good. 

'He's not the same. When he came back from hunting he was really mad. He said that it was because that he couldn't find any food but I know he's just frustrated. He lost you since you're here, and that really bothers him,' Clarke says.

She can't say that he wasn't hunting but with me because of the Grounder that stayed. He can't know that I was seeing someone from Skiekru. He would tell Anya and she would be furious. I can't deal with that right now. 

'Can you please tell him that I'm sorry,' I ask her.
She nods. I feel my eyes close again.
'Get better Emily,' I hear her say before I fall asleep again.


'Dad!'  i shout when I run towards him with tears in my eyes.

I jump in his arms and hold him tight. Why? Why him? Out of all the people they can float. He didn't even do anything that bad. 

'I'm so sorry, sweetheart. You're mother needed medicine. She has it now so she will be better. Make sure she's okay. Make sure you're okay. Take care of yourself sweetheart. Don't let anything come in you're way. Remember to draw. Draw the stars, or whatever you want,' my dad says. 

I let him go and look at him. That's when the tears start streaming over my face. I can't lose him. He's my dad. You can't just float someone's dad. He's to important to me. I can't live without him. 

'How can I draw when it reminds me of you? It would only hurt me. Dad, you can't leave me. They can't float you. It would ruin me and mom. Please,' I beg him. 
I know it's not his decision to make but I just can't lose him.

'I'm sorry sweetheart. Just draw. Promise me.'

I nod. 
'I promise,' I say. 

Then the thing that I fear the most happens. They float him. The tears are streaming down on my face and they won't stop. I cry. I cry till every single tear is gone. 

That's when my eyes open and I gasp for air.

'Hey, hey calm down,' someone next to me says.

I look next to me and see Lexa.

'Hey,' I whisper.

'You promised me. You promised me to come back in one piece,' she says a little angry.

'Technically I'm still one piece. My stomach was just bleeding. That's all. But I'm back.'

'You were dying Emily.'

'I'm sorry. I tried to turn around but it was too late. But hey, I survived. You can't get rid of me that easy,' I say laughing.

I don't want to laugh. I just had a terrible dream. I never wanted to think about that part in my life so I pushed it away. And now I dream about it. It hurts me to think about it. 

'Are you okay?' Lexa asks worried.

'Yeah. I had a nightmare, that's all.'

'You wanna talk about it?'

I think about it a minute.

'No, I don't want to think about it again. But thanks for the offer,' I say smiling.

'So what happened when I was out?' I ask curious.

'Anya got really angry. She said that we are going to fight harder because of what happened. Clarke got away with Finn and that pissed her of,' Lexa explains.

'What happened to the girl who was with me? She was standing next to me on the bridge,' I say.

'She died. We tried to save her but she died immediately. I'm sorry,' she says with guilt.

'It's okay,' I whisper. 

But actually, it was not. Someone else died today. And I imagine how many will die in the war. 

Robert Pattinson = Joshua

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