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I had just put Vincent down for bed, hoping he would sleep through the night. I climbed into bed and sighed. Wrapping my arms around Max, I fell asleep...only to be awoken at three in the morning to the wails of my infant. I fed him and he slept until the morning. But I woke next to glass shattering and women's screams. I jolted up, seeing that Max was not near me. I jumped out of bed, grabbing Vincent and hurrying out. I didn't care that I was in my night shorts and a tank top. My pack needed me. I cradled Vin to my chest as I raced down the stairs. I was surprised he hadn't woken up yet.

When I reached the living area I gasped. It was like when I was kidnapped times ten. I looked down to see that Vincent had woken up and was looking at the blood splattered walls and faces with fright in his hazel eyes. Would he remember this? I prayed not. The eyes of the dead were just that. Dead. I saw he was about to cry so I kissed his head, shushing him. I hid his view and tried not to cry at the horrid sight before me. I had never seen so much blood in all my life. It was on the floor, walls, bodies...everywhere. I felt the loss of my pack members and howled in agony.

I made my way out to see a full blown battle in the front lawn. I gasped upon seeing Isaac and Maximus fighting. So he was behind this. I saw that our pack members were also fighting Isaac's, but where was Jewel? As soon as I thought that there she came, out of the brush with a very devilish smile on her face.

"Luna Royalty...if you can even call yourself a Luna, that is."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked her.

"For power, of course. Why else?"

"You have a pack."

"We want yours too. Is that Young Alpha?" I clutched Vincent closer to my body. She laughed and popped her neck. "He will die shortly after you." She smirked.

Keeping Vin close, I stayed planted as she charged. I was stronger than her, no doubt, but she had shifted and I couldn't. I gently sidestepped, kicking her legs to get her off balance. She stubbled and I took that opportunity to put her in a choke hold, putting Vincent behind my body and away from her teeth. She wiggled out of my hold, clearly pissed she was being bested by her rival. She growled and charged again. Clearly, she was used to being on offense so she didn't know what to do if she was being attacked. Her form was sloppy so it was easy to knock her to the side again. This time I kicked her ribs, hearing a satisfying crunch. Somewhere in the distance, Isaac whimpered at his Mate's pain. She got up, limping. She was weaker, but I refused to kill her with my son in my arms.

"I will not kill you with him in my arms." I told her.

Her wolf smirked and charged again. She is stupid. I decided to take a chance. I couldn't kill her with him in my arms so what if he wasn't. I looked at my son and smiled, tossing him in the air with all of strength. Time to end this. I slid under Jewel's wolf, pushing up to lock my arms around her neck, quickly twisting and breaking her neck. As soon as I did that Isaac let out an agonizing howl, giving up and kneeling down before my Mate. I jumped off of her to catch Vincent in my arms.

With their Luna dead and their Alpha giving up, the pack members had no other choice, but to submit. Maximus stood in front of Isaac, his little brother, with disappointment. Just as he was about to speak gasps were heard as Alpha Caiden came through, carrying someone in his arms. At first I couldn't tell who it was. The face was beaten so badly that it was almost unrecognizable, but I knew who is was. Maximus' eyes grew big as Isaac wept because the body was their mother's.

"Look what you've done." Caiden whispered. "She loved you."

"I'm sorry, dad." Isaac sniffled.

At this point tears were streaming down my face and Vincent was near wailing. He felt the loss too even though he was young. "You have no right to speak!" Maximus roared, tears in his eyes. "You murdered your own mother. No words can describe what I'm feeling." I made my way towards Maximus and put my hand on his shoulder. I felt him relax slightly and he kissed my forehead. "I have no words to say to you." He turned and took Vincent and I in his arms as members took away Isaac. "Are you two alright?"

"We're fine, but I could tell Vin felt the loss."

"I'm sure he did." I felt sorry for my little one. He was barely in the world and he had already felt the loss of a pack member, many in fact.

We stayed that way for a few more minutes until I realized that Max had to lead his mother's own passing. I held him tight and I heard Nealis howl inside of him. My heart was breaking. It was breaking for Maximus, my son, my father in law and my pack. I just didn't know what do or think. I was supposed to be a pillar of marble, but instead I was a pillar of sand.

We would get through this together. As a family like we always do.

So that was the chapter and I hope you guys liked it. I think it's totally awesome she fought with a baby in her hand. Farewell, my loves, till the next chapter

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