"Ah! Teme stop the fuck!" He yelled.

I was about to throw another punch when our sensei came in.

I sat on my seat next to this Boruto-Dobe.

I sent a glare to him.

And mouthed 'Youre Lucky i didnt kill you..'

He gulped and immediately look away.

"Welcome Kids my name is Shino Aburame...im 25 years old and we have bew transfer students...please come here in the front and introduce yourself..."


Sarada and 3 other kids or should i say teens came in the fron of the class.

The boy was first to introduce himself.

"Im Itsumo Hyuuga Im 15 and im the son of Hyuuga Neji and Hyuuga TenTen.."He introduced.

Next was a girl.

"Im Gina Hozuki 15 year old Daighter of Karin Hozuki and Suigetsu Hozuki" she said...cheerfully.

Shi-Ne was next.

"Im Shine Nara daighter of Shikamaru and Ino Nara,Im 15 Troublesome..."

Sarada was next.

"Hn.Uchiha Sarada,15 years old daughter of Uciha Sasuke and Uchiha Sakura..Our family cane from Sound and moved here to Konoha since this is our real hometwon..."

After that they went to their proper seats and class started..

When class was dismissed Shino didnt let them leave yet.

"Okay Kids,Tell your Parents to come here tommorow because they will have a meeting tommorow suggested by the principal.."

The kids nodded and went home.

At the Uchiha Household..

Saura was cooking their favorite while Sasuke was watching some news.

The door suddenly opened and they heard Sarada and Sageki Yell 'Tadaima'

Sakura happily chirped an 'Okaeri'

While Sasuke just 'Hned' and also greeted them Welcome Home.

Sarada went next to Sakura and helped her cook.

Sageki remembered something and said "Mom,Dad,tommorow the school has meeting suggested by the principal the school wants all of you to come.."

Sarada's head snapped towards her little brother and sighed.

"Oh yeah,i forgot about that"

"Okay then! Tommorow it is!" Sakura chirpped and noted it.


Uzumaki Hosehold...

"I cant wait to see everyone tommorow Hinata-Chan!!"

"Me too Naruto-Kun!"


Nara household...

"Troublesome...Mom,Dad the principal held a meeting for the parents tommorow and wants you to go.." Shine said as she won the game 'Shogi'

"Fine..Troublesome"Shikamaru groaned,he cant believe he lost to his own daughter.

"Okay shina,Shika come help me prepare the food!"Ino yelled from the kitchen.


Hyuuga household...

"Dad need i remind you to stop mixing in when im talking?" Itsumo warned.

"Fine,What do you want to say?"

"Principal want you to come over the school tommorow he said there was a meeting.."

"Aa...ill go"

With TenTen and Shion..

"Okay Honey,what is it that you want to talk about?"

"Well,Mom tommorow there will be a meeeting and you and dad have to go" Shion said to her Mom..
"Oh,Okay honey is that all?"
"Yes Mom.."

Hozuki Household..

"Mom!Dad! Tommorow the principal was calling for you because there will be a meeting!"
Gina informed her Parents.

Karin who was holding her little son Grell stopped what she's doing and turned to Gina..

She smiled her eye closed smile.

"Okay Gina..."


With the Lee Household...

"Yosh! Dad! The principal want to see you tommorow!"

"Yosh! Okay! Im sure Naruto misses me now!and its all because of the power of youth!!" Lee yelled balling his fist in his chest while tears ran down his face dramatically.."

"LEE!Im here! This is Gai !"

Lee snapped from his drama and looked at The front door.

There stood


Old Gai..

Crying anime tears.


"Those two wont stop" Ayame,Lee'a wife face palmed.

"Lets go change Metal Lee...you need some bath.."

"Yosh! Okay mom!"

"You inherited your Fathers charms."






Anyway i hope you like it!



So yeah bye

||Book2||Highschools Generation(On-Going)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin