3I thought I was Special... Until I Met My Long-Lost Brother who's JUST LIKE ME!!! UUGGHH!!!

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Okay... So I wanted to do a Chapter from his point of view so here ya go!

P.S. Pleez vote and comment and try to see why I love this story OH SO MUCH!!!

Daire's POV*

As the annoying little emo girl ran up the stairs, I turned on my heels back to the kitchen.

"You... Can't... Be Him..." The pudgy woman in the corner near the sink said shakily to me, in a soft yet uncontrollably warm voice.

"I'm sorry but I think I am," I said as politely as possible. I wasn't used to being nice.

"How old are you?" the larger than large man with darkest brown curly hair said from what could only be thought of as their kitchen table.

"Sixteen and a half, sir," I replied swiftly. Damn, this polite thing was hard!

"He could be him," the old dude said to his wife, encouragingly. He seemed excited.

"Birthday?" she asked, a glint of hope forming in her eyes.

"March 17, Madame," I turned my whole body directly toward her to answer this question.

"Whoa..." was all she barely breathed out. He crossed the room slowly, stopping within hugging distance right in front of me. She reached out her arms, hesitantly, and pulled them around me.

"Baby Dairen," she cooed softly.

"It's Daire now," I said softly.

She pulled back. What did I do?

"You are so much like your little sister!" she practically yelled, but happily, after a moment.

I heard a trampling of feet and before I heard the voices, softly cursing under their breaths. Two girls of my own nature (dark) walked into the room.

"He..." the annoying girl I had the 'pleasure' of meeting earlier started, " is NOTHING like EITHER OF US!!" she pointed to her and what must have been her sister. Not because they looked alike, HELL NO! But my 'Mother' had said "sister" so they must both be my sisters, and they must both be sisters.

The other girl I hadn't met yet looked really, well, pissed. But she looked distant, as if she wasn't pissed about me. Huh.

"Names?" I asked, curious for no REAL reason.

"Jeslyn," my 'mother' motioned to the annoying one, "and Keighlin," she motioned to the distant one.

"Jessi or Mair, mother! For the MILLIONTH time!" Jeslyn screamed at her mother, annoyed. 'Mother' seemed unfazed. This must happen often.

"And it's Kay," the distant one, Kay, said to me now. Her full attention discreetly directed upon only me. At least she seemed nice. I zoned out for a moment.

"Jeslyn" I heard my new 'mommy' say cautioning to my new baby sister.

"You, are not my brother..." her lip quivered and her voice came out soft and baby-like, though you could tell she was trying to be strong. She had this look on her face that seemed eerily familiar, and then I remembered.

She had the 'My life is crashing around me and there's nothing I can do to stop it' look. I had had that look two weeks ago when I found out I was adopted. Now, nothing was the same.


I ran into the house and accidentally rammed into my father.

"Son..." I heard my dad say shakily. I wasn't really paying attention to him because I saw my mother behind him sobbing.

"What?" I said, annoyed at my dad. What had he done this time to make my mom cry? This seemed to always happen, and I could never stop it.

He pulled a thick Manilla folder out from under his arm, and handed it to me. I tensed.

I opened it slowly as the large bold print hit me like a mob of Robert Pattinson fans.

Adoption Certificate. Name: Dairen Thai Jellema. I stopped for a moment, looking up at my mother's piercing ice blue eyes.

"My name isn't Jellema... Its O'Hara? Isn't it?" I asked in a small baby-like voice because deep-down, I knew I wanted my Mommy to come to the little Baby Dairen who tripped on the side-walk and tell him it was all right and give him a hug that made him think everything was going to be okay. But she didn't.

"No," my father said loudly, gaining my attention from my one and only mother, "Your name is Dairen Thai JELLEMA and you deserved to know."

My mind slipped, and I didn't resurface. Not for weeks and days, almost a month. Until I decided to find the abandoners and find out the truth, because I was the one who always says, "The truth comes best from the Source." If only now it wasn't that way after all.


I felt bad for the girl, because I knew that it would never be the same for her, either. I saw tears in her eyes, but then one glided down her cheek, softly. She wiped it away before she thought anyone noticed, but I did. Her parents wouldn't have, they were off in the corner talking about rooming arrangements and 'they finally had their son back'. She didn't seem upset by that, I came to the conclusion that it happened often. Her sister had started playing with the humongous orange cat that had discreetly made it's way into the scene on the marble floor. Two cats? I'll have to get used to cats then. A small dog trotted in the room. Damn, so many fucking animals!

Jeslyn reached down on the floor to lift the dog softly into her arms, and ran up the stairs with it. As she ran, I heard the sobs that had built themselves in her throat explode.

I thought I was Special... Until I Met My Long-Lost Brother who's JUST LIKE ME!!! UUGGHH!!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant