Part Twenty-Two

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Part Twenty-Two {George's POV}

As soon as I realized that leaving Michelle was a terrible decision I got her address from Paul because they wrote each other sometimes.

I drove for about and hour and a half until I came to a little ranch house in a small cheap town. I knew this must be it. I got out and it started to rain. I knocked on the front door, there was no answer.

I turned around and there I saw michelle. She had her arms wrapped around a tall blond boy and he had his hands on her waist. They were kissing in the rain.

I yelled a bit and Michelle turned around. She had a shocked look on her face, like she didn't know what to do.

I walked over and said "Who the hell is this?"

"George, calm down" she said.

I was furious to see her kissing anyone but me.

"A better question would be who the hell are you." the blonde boy said.

I stepped up to him

"I'm George, and what were you doing kissing my Michelle?"

"Your Michelle?" he said

"Yes" I said

"George," Michelle said

"What?" I said

"Can I speak with you?"

I glared at him then stepped away to talk to Michelle.

"Baby, who is he" I said putting a hand to my face and leaning in to kiss her.

She took my hand off her face and said

"He's my boyfriend."

"But, what about us." I said in a shaky voice

"George, you were pissed at me and told me what we had was over. I moved on George."

I was speechless. I've just seen the girl of my dreams kissing another guy. I should have never let her go.

She walked away and said "George you need to leave."

She walked away and went back to that boy. I stood there in the rain then walked back to my car. I started to cry.

How could I have been so stupid?

I should have never gotten mad at her. She had to leave. I drove away from the little house and I had a knot in my stomach.

I didn't want to have anyone but her. I didn't want anyone else.



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