No ideas... Useless... Empty... BRAIN!

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Welp, I've got no ideas for stories anymore. I have gotten a few requests, but they're character requests... I need some plot ideas, too!! Jeez! So yeah. I've got a couple ideas, but I dunno. Might not be out for awhile till I get some inspiration. Anyone wanna help me?? I think I made an (A/N) about this before, but I need a coauthor. If you guys wanna email me scenarios, I'll copy them into a chapter into this book and give you full credit for it. If you decide to email me, this is my new email address: (if half of this is cut, sorry)

When and if you send me your scenario, make sure to include your Wattpad username, unless you want to keep it anon. (Look at me. I'm beginning to go all Tumblr on you guys.) 

Anyway, yeah. That's about it. I'll see you guys in the next chapter.



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