Dawn didn't answer. Instead, she pulled a serious face and started doing poses, like flexing and pressing her arms against each other, squeezing her small clevage. I became seriously confused, but then the pieces soon fit together.

"No..." I sigh, looking down as I shake my head in disbelief, yet mentally I was trying to hide my grin. I really couldn't believe that he would do something like that. And I missed it. Damnit! "He didn't." I still shake my head, refusing to believe what she had just said.

"Oh, but he did." Dawn nods. "With no shirt..." Dawn winks.

Okay, I know I have a crush on Sal, but missing out on something like this, damn. I mean, it's not like I've ever seen him without a shirt. There was one episode where he has to do what the others tell him to do in a spa, and at that challenge, he wasn't wearing his shirt. I remember the part where they hid a phone under Sal and they had an app where it made fart noises. That was hilarious.

As I was saying, you seldom see Sal shirtless in television. I know he's very insecure and self-concious of his body and I completely respect that, but as a fangirl, it'd be cute to see that happen again. But to get back on track, this is something I need to see for myself. If I don't see it, then I don't believe it.

But why was Dawn looking at Sal anyways? I mean, she likes Q, right? Shouldn't she be looking at Q instead? What am I even saying? She shouldn't be even stalking anyone, not even a celebrity.

Dawn gives me a strange look, like she's trying to read my mind and hear my thoughts. Whatever she's doing, she seems to figure things out pretty quickly.

"Quit staring!" I bark.

"Oh my god! You do have a crush on Sal!" Dawn exclaims.

"I thought you know that already." I said.

"Is that why you dumped Patrick?" Dawn interrupts. I shook my head. I would never dump Patrick, he's so handsome. Who would ever want to dump him? Besides, he actually wants me to go out with Sal. I can't tell her that part. I don't know why, but it wouldn't feel right.

"No, I wouldn't dump Patrick. We both talked and we both agreed to stay friends. I guess we're not meant to be." I softly answer, taking a sip of orange juice.

"Oh..." Dawn sounded. "So now you have a shot at Sal."

"Dawn!" I exclaim.

"Come on." Dawn hums and sings to the song Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke. "I know you want it." I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. She's right though, I do have a crush on him and yeah, I do want it.

"Shut up." I mutter, shaking my head as I hide my grin. "What time did you see him?" I ask.

"Oh now you want to know? What happened to you really shouldn't spy on them and you must respect their privacy crap?" Dawn says impersonating me (or mom), crossing her arms with a smile that still stayed on her face.

"If it were anyone else, then yes, respect their privacy. But this is Sal Vulcano we're talking about." I answer, thinking about what Sal had done. The thought of him half naked gave me a warm feeling. I feel strange. Like I'm...I wont say.

"Ooo! Stalker alert!" Dawn pokes me with the spoon.

I ask Dawn again about the time, but she wont tell me, so I guess it's up to me to get up as early as possible to catch a glimpse of Sal. That's if he does it again. Maybe I am trying to be a stalker. As long as no one else knows, and if I'm careful, then I'll be okay.

Honestly, I really don't want to do it though, in fact, I'm supposed to be asking Sal out, or flirt with him at least, not be a creep. But how can I resist the urge to take a peek through my window to see Sal shirtless? I can't wait for that moment to come.

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