I smirked. "You're hungry?"

"Yeah. How long till we get there again?"

"About another hour. You think you can make it?" I smirked.

"No." She groaned. "We need to stop and get something to eat, and I can do my hair and teeth in the bathroom."

"You can do your hair in here."

She looked at me for a minute. "Yeah, I guess I can. But I still have to brush my teeth."

"Okay, Okay. We'll stop at the next travel station."

" 'kay."

My phone beeped, signaling that I had a text message. She looked over from doing her hair in the mirror and said, "You got a text."

"See who it's from. Probably Payson or Mom." I said.

She grabbed my phone from the dashboard and unlocked it.

"Who's Ashley?" She asked.

"Ashley who?"

"I don't know, it just says Ashley on the contact." She said, annoyed.

"Let me see." I said, holding my hand out for the phone.

"Look." She said as she held the phone up for me to see.

It was a message from the contact "Ashley" saying "Hey cutie :)."

"Who's Ashley and why does she have your number and texting you?" Nicole asked, obviously not happy about it.

"Well, she's Jaymie's sister."

"The Jaymie you met in Australia?"


She pressed her lips together while she nodded her head and leaned back in the seat. "And why does she have your number and calling you 'cutie' for?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Parker, you better tell me the truth right now."

A minute passed, and she said, "Fine, turn around. I'm not going to Disneyland."

I took an exit to a travel station, where we both got out, her putting mine and her phone in her purse. She got out the second I parked at the gas pump and slammed the door before she went in.

I went in behind her, and she was heading into the bathroom. I grabbed some drink, and payed for the gas; then, I stood outside the bathroom waiting for her to come out. She came out about five minutes later, and rolled her eyes once she saw me. I knew that she was pretty mad at me.

She walked around, finding what she wanted to eat and drink. I followed behind her. I payed for the stuff, and she grabbed her food and drink and walked out ahead of me. I caught up with her, but she ignored me and kept walking faster.

I pumped the gas as she got into the truck. I got into the truck and looked over at her seat, but she wasn't in the shotgun seat. I turned around to find her sitting in the backseat with her arms crossed and a mad look on her face.

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