''Ok, I understand. Now-'' Liam clapped his hands together, standing up and walking towards the door. ''Time for more beers, this emotional stuff is getting to me.'' He couldn't do emotional stuff unless it was with his sister, and he hated seeing his best mate so upset as well. 

After returning with a few beers each, Liam set them down and got to work on helping Sebastian with the bed, the wardrobe and rest of the boxes that sat in the corner could be done tomorrow when he wasn't so tired or drunk.

It took them until eleven o'clock at night to finish the bed, the beers they drank slowing them down a bit. Sebastian bent down to pick up his can of beer and when he lent back up, he chuckled at the sight before him.

Liam chose that moment to jump on his bed, belly flopping in the middle of the double mattress. His heavy sigh of content brought a smile onto Sebastian’s face, his best friend finally got the comfy bed he deserved. 

Guilt flowed through him when he thought of Liam being in jail, having to put up with what he didn't deserve. He knew Liam joined the gang out of having nothing else to do, he was at a moment of weakness and it was the only way forward at the time. Liam had gone to him one day and asked to get his father to let him join, his father always knew how skilled Liam was. With having to rob and pickpocket to survive and do whatever it took, Liam acquired many skills that were use full.

His dad said yes immediately, another life he ruined but helped as well. He ruined people’s lives by saying yes, he was bringing them into a life of having to watch your back every day because you never knew when you was going to die. But then, he helped as well, bringing people into a sort of twisted family when they had none and giving them a life of wealth depending your status, but you still got paid pretty well when you wasn't high up like Liam was. 

''Don't go man, this sounds too risky. You didn't even get the memo until this morning!'' Sebastian shouted at Liam. He had just heard about his best mate’s new job for the day, or tasks as some called it.

''I have too, your father’s orders. You know I can't defy him.'' Liam insisted. He too knew it sounded extremely risky, but with a boss like Sebastian's dad, you didn't want to defy his orders otherwise he wouldn't hesitate to kill you without reason.

''You’re going on your own for fuck sake, you're just sixteen! How could he make you do that?'' Sebastian was bewildered by such orders from his father. He knew his father wasn't a stupid man and he had to be up to something. Liam was good, hell he was one of the best but he wasn't that good to go on his own into something like that.

''I know. I can't help it Seb.'' Liam replied coolly, he really didn't want to go on this task, he knew it didn't sound right. ''But, I can handle it though. Just sixteen? Dude I’m better than some of the men your dad has had for years, don't underestimate me.'' He winked at his friend to calm him down, Sebastian shouldn't be getting worried for him, he dealt his own hand when he joined the gang and he knew the consequences if something were to happen. 

''Just- Just be careful OK? You’re on enemy territory and up there and the crime rate is high meaning more coppers.'' Sebastian didn't want to let him, but he gave Liam a pat on the shoulder and moved away from the car Liam occupied. With his fake drivers licence, he was able to drive anywhere and not get caught despite his true age.

While Liam was gone, Sebastian's worry grew. It was a few hours and still he had heard nothing from him. He decided he was going to go talk to his father, and headed to the office where he knew he would be.

An accident, but no mistake. EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now