Chapter 3: score 1 for meghan!

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Meghan's POV:
I can't believe you were just flirting with him like that right in my face Gia!
'I say with a little anger.

"Meghan how was I suppose to know that?
I didn't know...

"Well now you know! So back off a little please.

"Meg, I don't have to back off because he's my crush too!
'She says crossing her arms.

'I shout.

"Yea! I've been wanting to show you him but he never comes around to where I could see him.

"Well maybe because he doesn't like you,
'I say quietly.

"EXCUSE ME?? What did you just say?

"I SAID! Maybe he doesn't like YOU!
'I repeat loudly.

"Ugh whatever! I'm done having this discussion Meghan, I'm going back to work I don't wanna be late,
'Gia says walking away.

'I say crossing my arms and rolling my eyes.

'I sit back down on the bench so I could calm down...

I couldn't believe Gia liked Charlie as well, but I could tell Charlie isn't digging her that much.

I just wish Gia would have told me she liked him as well, so that we won't have to be arguing right now... But it's WHATEVER.

Charlie's POV:
I get my giant pretzel and I head back to work, on my way back I saw Meghan again, but this time she was alone.

Meghan's POV:
I put my hands over my face and I take a deep breath, but suddenly I hear my name be called.

"Hey Meghan!
'I hear a deep voice say.

'I look up and I see Charlie.

"Oh hey Charlie!
'I say with a big smile.

"Hey I thought you were back at work?
'He questions.

"Oh.. Umm.. I still have some time till i have to go back.


'I look at him deeply in his green-hazel eyes, and I smile even bigger.

"Sooo... Umm, do you wanna maybe walk around together?
'He asks.

"Sure! That seems fun.

"Cool! Let's go,
'He says.

'I stand up and we begin to walk down the halls of the mall.

I felt so safe when I'm with Charlie, he's just such a gentleman.

"So I didn't get a chance to ask about your age,
'He says.

"Oh I'm 22.

"Wow your kinda young.

"Yea a little, but I'm very mature but I can be silly at some times!
'I say with a small giggle.

"Yea me too! I like people with a great personality, it's not always about looks,
'Charlie says.

"Yea I'm the same way.

10 minutes later...

After our small little walk, Charlie walked me back to Victoria secret.

"Thank you for walking me back, you honestly didn't have too.

"No problem, if you ever need anything I'm always here,
'He says handing me a piece of paper.

'I smile really big and I turn around and I walk into Victoria secret.

When I go back in I go to the mini office and I look at the piece of paper he gave me.

It was his "phone number".

"AHHH!!" OH MY GOSHHH!!! He gave me his phone number!
'I say happily in my head.

'I slip it back into my pocket and I go back out were the cash registers were and I began too work again.

Haha! Take THAT Gia.

-score one for M-train💜


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