17. The Potion's Effect

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Hey everyone! I revived my ancient Instagram from 2014 if you wanna go give it a follow/like it's @ fairy.sail. I'll be posting some edits and maybe some drawings on there.
As always, thanks for reading!
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Gray... Juvia looked at his body, crumpled at the base of the tree that her water had thrown him against. Koturo made her walk up to him.

Then, slowly, Gray started to move. He grabbed on to the tree and started to get up.

"You've got spirit, I'll give you that," Koturo said, using Juvia's voice.

"It'll take more than that to keep me down," Gray said.

"Impressive. But we both know you can't attack me. Not while I'm in this body," Koturo said, through Juvia.

"How...How can you control her like this?" Gray asked, still lifting himself up.

"I'll be honest, this girl was weak and easy to infiltrate."

"She's not weak..." Gray said, clenching his jaw. Koturo ignored him.

Gray...sama...? Juvia felt suppressed emotions rising, like a faint feeling of nostalgia.

"Her recent injury helps. Someone like her is easy to control. She doesn't have those strong emotional bonds with others, unlike most of the people in your insolent guild."

Because of her amnesia...Gray realized. But the Juvia from before... She wouldn't have been so easy to control.

"Enough small talk. I need you down!" Juvia's voice yelled.

Juvia felt herself surging forward as Koturo made her attack Gray again.

NO! Juvia yelled in her mind. And for the first time since Koturo had taken over her mind, her body faltered.

The hesitation was for a mere second, but Gray was quick. He grabbed her hands and used her momentum to spin her around and pin her against the tree. Suddenly, Juvia's hands and legs were encased in ice, and she couldn't move out of his grasp.

NO! You...how did you do that?! Koturo yelled at Juvia.

I'm starting to remember...You said it was easier to control someone with weak bonds with other people...I think I'm starting to remember just how strong my bond with Gray was.

"Juvia," Gray said. His face was so close to hers. He held her against the tree with impeccable strength.

What...what is he doing? Juvia wondered. Gray brought one hand down and pulled a small vial out of his pocket.

"This...this will bring you back. The real you," Gray said, opening the vial.

What?! Juvia was astounded. A way to regain my memories?

"I think if you...if you remember, you'll be able to take control of your body again!" Gray said. "But there are side effects, and I don't know what will happen..."

Gray looked into Juvia's eyes. "I told myself I'd only use this if you agreed. I won't force you to. If you don't want to remember, I can understand..."

No! This can't happen! Koturo yelled, in Juvia's mind. But she used all her energy trying to prevent him from attacking Gray.

"Gray-sama..." Juvia's voice was faint when it left her mouth. But it was hers.

"Juvia!" Gray's eyes widened. "Is it really you?"

"Do it!" Juvia said. "If I regain my memories, I'll have the strength to push Koturo out of my mind! Do it now! I can't stay in control for long like this...He's almost--" Juvia gasped as Koturo took control of her body again.

"No! This can't happen!" He made her yell. "Water Nebula!!"

But Gray was too quick; he took the opportunity when Juvia opened her mouth to yell to tip the contents of the vial right into her mouth. Then Gray was thrown to the side by the water attack.

The liquid went straight down her throat, and suddenly Juvia's mind was exploding.

She screamed. The pain of having hundreds of thousands of memories flooding into her mind at once affected both her and Koturo, who screamed right along with Juvia.

This can't be...happening...! Koturo yelled. Juvia started to recover control over her body as she remembered her bonds with everyone at Fairy Tail.

She remembered how Master Makarov had allowed her to join the guild with open arms. She remembered Gajeel, from Phantom Lord, and after, when she asked him to join Fairy Tail with her. She remembered her initial hatred for Lucy which turned into a friendship. She remembered Lisanna offering to be her partner for the S-Class Mage Promotion Trial. She remembered fighting and telling Meredy to live and love. She remembered a cheerful Natsu, joking around with her.

Her brain felt like it was about to explode. Juvia kept yelling in pain. Then, suddenly, she fell silent.

"Juvia?!" Gray asked, struggling to sit up. "Do you...remember me?"

Koturo was no longer in control of her movements. But a sinister voice still spoke from the depths of her mind: Gray...Or, as you used to call him, Gray-sama...

"Gray...sama?" Juvia said. She broke through her icy restraints in one swift motion.

"Yes, Juvia...It's me--" He was cut off by a kick to his abdomen. He gasped as Juvia's foot collided with his torso, both in pain and in confusion.

"Juvia?!" Gray asked, hoarsely. She had knocked the wind out of him.

"GRAY!" She yelled his name again. Juvia's voice sounded angry. Very angry.

Gray...the man whom you loved. The man who turned you down at every chance he got. He broke your heart.

"Oh, I remember you, all right..."

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