I looked like crap and I knew it. I didn't expect to see Abby and Carina here. Ugh this is embarrassing.

I had started the waffle machine and grabbed an apple, taking a bite out of it. Wiping the juice from my mouth, I rejoined the conversation.

Liam was asking how the girls had slept. For some reason Abby's head popped up, looking between all three of us, trying to figure our what was happening.

My eyes grew big and Liam smiled at me, reading my mind. He turned back to continue the conversation.

Even in the morning, with no makeup, and matted hair pulled back into a loose bun, Abby still look beautiful. The less eyeliner she had on made her eyes seemed bigger and bluer.

I refocused again, trying to keep up with what Liam and Carina were saying.

Something about the weather, this conversation was going to fast, ugh.

The waffle thing dinged, indicating the waffle was ready. I walked over to the machine and flipped the waffle using the handles. Opening the container, and pulled my waffle out of the holder. I managed to only break it into 3 pieces, and I poured maple syrup all over the crisp, warm waffle.

I picked up my paper plate and fork and headed back over to the table. Setting my plate down, I sat down next to Carina, across from Abby. Abby was still eating her cereal, but seemed more awake to her surroundings. Liam and Carina babbled about who knows what. I picked up my fork and took a bite out of my waffle, the gooey batter in my mouth.

Chewing, I took a sip of my apple juice, as Liam stood back up to get down yogurt.

Sitting back down, Liam mumbled something to Carina and took a spoonful of his yogurt.

"We're going to totally have to visit my sister!" Carina said.

"Yeah that'd be nice." Liam replied, mouth full of yogurt.

I scooped the last of my waffle up with my fork. Throwing away the paper plate, I grabbed a bright yellow banana, I walked back to our table.

"Well, I'm going to head up to our room, get ready for the day?" I said.

"Cool, see ya Harry." Carina smiled.

"We'll meet at the mall at noon and then go site-seeing." Liam added.

"Sounds fun." I said, and turned to leave the little breakfast room.

"I'll come with you." A voice behind me said.

I turned to see Abby throwing away her remains and jogging to me.

"I need to get away from those two." She giggled, causing me to laugh a little.

"Not a morning person?" I asked, as we turned the corner to the elevators.

"Not really..." Abby trailed off, lost in her thoughts.

When the elevators were in site, Abby ran up to the buttons and covered them, pressing the 'Up' button. She giggled and bushes a cherry red.

"What?" I asked, smiling, but confused as hell.

The doors dinged and she entered, doing the same thing, covering the buttons to be able to press them.

"It's a game my brother and I used to play. I don't really know why, we used to fight over this. I know it's super weird." She backed away, eyes lowered to the floor in embarrassment.

The elevator came to a stop, ans we excited.

"It's not weird, its cute..." I said.

Abby smiled, and I saw something in her eyes, but as soon as it was there it was gone. I stopped at my room and pulled out the key, unlocking the door, as Abby continued down the hallway.

As I entered the room, Abby yelled down from the hall, "See Ya, Styles."

I smiled and closed the door behind me.

I had to get ready from some serious shopping.

Carina's P.O.V.

After breakfast I headed up to my room to see Abby. Of course I put my key in my pocket with my phone, so it didn't work.

Bounding on the door, it suddenly swung open to reveal a bubbly Abby. I walked into the room, opening my suitcase to see all my clothes.

"Your awake, what happened with Harry?" I asked, trying to choose what to wear.

"Nothing." Abby replied, too fast.

"Abby, you suck at lying, tell me." I smiled, finally deciding on a white v-neck t-shirt and dark jeans.

Pulling my hair into a high ponytail, I applied some eyeliner, but not much. I normally don't wear as much makeup as Abby or other girls.

"Nothing!" Abby tried again, pulling on a lime green and white striped shirt and jeans.

"Okay you can tell me later then." I laughed, applying a layer of my EOS.

Setting the ball down on the counter, I walked to my bed and sat down.

Abby was watching Pitch Perfect. Oh my God, I love this movie so much, I wish we watch it all.

"Abby hurry up!" I yelled into the other room.

Just then there was a sharp knocking from the hotel door that couldn't be ignored.

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