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Doc Havoc's auburn hair billowed in the updraft created from the heat of the reactor as she grappled with Mazda Ra (may his glory shine forever.) The glow of the reactor danced across Mazda Ra's Golden Sun Mask (long may it shine) making it seem alive. They struggled like two Titans on the field of Armageddon ready to ignite Ragnarok. Wait, I think I may be mixing my metaphors or my mythologies, but you get the point. This was some Epic Shit going down.

I was assigned to the work crew tasked with installing the guard rail around the reactor, but for some reason the reactor had already been activated before we had the chance to do so. In fact I had come to the reactor room for just that very purpose when I stumbled on the aforementioned Epic Shit.

The rest of the work crew was nowhere to be seen.

I supposed that the reactor activation time had been bumped up due to the impending arrival of Mazda Ra's nemesis (may his glory shine forever. Mazda Ra's glory I mean, not his nemesis'.) Obviously the accelerated timeline had not had the desired effect, or I would not have been witnessing the life or death struggle between my boss, Mazda Ra (may his glory shine forever) and the Cinnamon Sentinel.

Life or death struggle it was too. For the lack of guard rail, as you might well imagine, meant that one or the other of them was bound to be sent plunging into the reactor at any moment.

As the mortal enemies traded blows, oblivious to the presence of a lowly henchman such as myself, I reflected on the path that had led me to this moment; the choices that had resulted in me becoming a foot soldier in the Sun Army of the Golden Dawn.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2016 ⏰

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