Goodbye Derek

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"Nick is the water boiling yet?" Gaby asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"Yupp," Nick said as he checked on the roast in the oven. 

Gaby and Nick had been proud parents of twins for two weeks and Gaby already wished that time would slow down, mainly so she could get some sleep. She had never been so tired before she felt like she was almost delirious. Every time one of the twins cried she was up and tending to them. Isabelle warned her that if she didn't stop jumping every time they cried she would pay for it later.

"Did Victoria finally stop crying?"

"Yeah she finally went to sleep thank god." Gaby said as she put her hands together like she was praying.

"She's your daughter that's all I'm going to say," Nick said with a laugh, and Gaby rolled her eyes as she gathered the bottles she was cleaning from the sink and was getting ready to put them in the pot of hot water when Nick blocked her way.

"Um excuse me, Mr. Gregorio." She said looking up at him.

"Pay up first." He said with a smile. Gaby stood on the tips of her toes to level with him and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Now move please."  Nick slid out of the way, and Gaby turned the pot off and tossed the bottles in before she tried to steal a peek at what Nick was cooking.

"I don't think so Gaby, you don't let me peek in your pots when you're cooking." Nick said pulling her away from the stove.

"So what, it's different for me, I have to make sure you're not burning anything." Gaby said as Nick led her to the kitchen table and pulled her into his lap as he sat down. Gaby wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his neck.

"Have you given any more thought to what we talked about?"

"I thought I said no," Gaby said looking at him.

"No, you said that you needed time to think about it."

"Oh okay, in that case, my answer is no," she said, and Nick let out an aggravated sigh.

"Gaby come on, I think getting a nanny is a great idea."

"I can take care of my children Nick." She said with a frown.

"I know that, and I'm not saying that you can't it's just that..." Nick paused as he tried to pick his words carefully.

"You're tired Gaby we both are. You're parents will be leaving in a few days and I go to Chicago next week, I want to make sure you take care of yourself. I already feel bad that I have to leave you like this." He said as he brushed Gaby's bang out of her eyes. "If we get a nanny then I wouldn't worry so much because I know that you have some help when you need it and that you will be able to get the rest you need." Nick rested his chin on her shoulder and looked up at her with pleading eyes.

"Fine I'll think about it some more, but I'm not making any promises that my answer will change." She said with a huff.

"Mmmhm," Nick said absent mindedly.

"You know I was thinking about rearranging the nursery. I think I want to move he rocking chair over to the window, it feels kind of cramped over by the wall. If we move the rocking chair when can put the changing table in its place, what do you think?" Gaby said as she twirled her hair around her finger trying to imagine how the room looked.

"Nick what do you think?" she asked again looking down at him and she realized that he was staring at her breasts.

"Nick stop staring at my boobs!" she yelled as she hit him in the back of the head and crossed her arms over her chest.

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