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"We know that it's you..."
"Why did you do it?"
"Salazar Slytherin's descendant... a parseltongue!"
"You killed her!"
"What do you mean?" I ask confused at all the allegations and rumours starting to go around the school.

I've starting to believe them myself. I've broke as many rules as possible in my first year only, in my third what am I am capable of? I have been on and off with dark magic. I could have killed her. The only people that believe I am innocent is the Marauders and even Wormtail seems scared of me now. I even have Slytherins thinking of me as the heir. Everyone except for the people that hang around Lucius. He must be responsible for the death of Myrtle. To think I sat next to her on the first day and now. She's dead.

"Go away James. Snog Lily Evans she seems to be who you like."
"Isn't it true?" James asks with a cheeky smile on his face.
"Go away all of you. I can't help anything I do. I probably killed Myrtle and if you stay near me I could kill you. I don't want to have to.... BURY YOU!"
Remus gives a sympathetic look on his face and takes me to what seems to be a secret room in the castle. I look in a mirror and lose myself in something strange.

Remus kisses my cheek and begins to dance with me. I notice he is in a tuxedo and I am in a long blue ball gown. The yule ball! Everything seems normal. No more of the parseltongue rubbish. The yule ball is later this year does that mean-
"What did you see?" Remus asks.
"Nothing. But does this show the future?"
"No The mirror of Erised shows our hearts greatest desire. Why?"
"I'll tell you if you tell me why you brought me here."
"What you said to the others is what I say on a full moon. I recognised the fear in your voice so tell me and I will help you..."
"Only if I get to help you on a full moon."
"OK." I tell him what I saw and he giggles saying, "That WILL HAPPEN."

Abandoned (Marauders fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now