"What's wrong with one of the dresses I already own?" I asked.

     "This dress is specially made for you. The designer takes you personality and style into account and makes a unique, one of a kind dress." She said.


     "Wait! I wanna come with Zandy." Ace said.

     "Why?" Jocelyn asked.

     "Because she's one of my best friends, that's why. Vincent betrayed her and I'm sure Damon is over there right now telling him he was in the right and Zandy shouldn't have been so emotional. Really he's an arrogant jerk. I want to come." He said.

     "Alright, go get ready and meet me outside in the car." Jocelyn said with a warm smile.

     "Thanks mom." Ace said, leaning over and giving her a peck on the cheek. "Come on Zandy! We gotta get you ready for shopping!"

     I laughed and followed Ace up the stairs and back into his bedroom. I went into his bathroom and cleaned up my face. Crying so much made my makeup smear. Then I walked with Ace out to his mother's car.

     Twenty minutes later we pulled up to a small cottage. Jocelyn parked the car and we all climbed out. She led Ace and I up to the front door and gave three strong knocks. An old vampire opened the door and her face lit up when she saw Joselynn.

     "Jocelyn! Oh dear, I wasn't expecting you!" The old woman said.

     "Rosemary, It's so nice to see you." Jocelyn said warmly.

     "Oh my goodness! Is this your little boy?" Rosemary asked.

     "Well he's not exactly little anymore, but yes." Jocelyn replied.

     "Ace, darling! Come give me a hug." Rosemary said.

     With a goffy grin Ace stooped down to give Rosemary a tight squeeze. She laughed in delight and then her eyes trained on me.

     "Jocelyn. Who's this beautiful young lady?" She asked.

     "Rosemary I would like you to meet Zandabelle."

     "Oh my. You're just gorgeous." Rosemary said, pulling me into a hug.

     "Rosemary. I need to ask you something. May we come in?" Jocelyn asked.

     "Oh, of course dear." Rosemary replied, steeping aside.

     I followed Jocelynn and Ace into Rosemary's quaint cottage and immediatly felt welcome. Rosemary led us into a cozy living room and I sat down next to Ace on the couch. Rosemary sat in an armchair, as did Jocelyn.

     "So, what did you need to ask me dear?" Rosemary asked.

     "I need you to make Zandabelle a blooding dress." Jocelyn said.

     "She hasn't been blooded yet?" Rosemary asked, her expression turning serious.

     Jocelyn launched into the whole story of my mother chosing to live in the mundane world and marrying my father. Then deciding to bring me up as a human. How I crossed the border, and not being able to cross back. I tensed at the mention of never seeing my family again and Ace put a strong, comforting arm around me.

     "Oh you poor thing." Rosemary said, turning to me.

     "So will you make me a dress?" I asked.

     "I'd be overjoyed to make you your dress." She replied.

     I gave her a huge smile, which she returned. The next thing I know I'm up on a pedistal with Rosemary taking a bunch of messurements. Then she retreated into a back room to begin work on my dress.

     An hour later Rosemary returned with a dress in her hands. She had tears in her eyes as she handed it to me, then motioned for me to go into the next room and change into it.

     I entered the room and closed the door behind me. I slipped out of my shirt and pants and pulled the dress over my head. It was absolutly perfect. The dress was blood red, and strapless. It had a corseted top with a tie going down the front. At the hips it fell into three tiers. The dress was covered in black lace with roses woven into it. The skirt ended just above my knees. I smiled at my reflection and walked out into the living room.

     "Dang Zandy you look hot!" Ace said, being the first to speak.

     "Zandabelle you're absolutly beautiful." Jocelyn whispered.

     I looked over at Rosemary and saw that she had tears flowing steadily down her face.

     "Thank you so much Rosemary. It's absolutly perfect." I said, pulling her into a big hug.

     "You're so very welcome." She replied.

     "Well, get out of that dress Zandy. We've gotta get back home and plan the ceremony before you can actually wear the dress." Ace said.

     I shot him a look and went to change. After I was finished we said goodbye to Rosemary and got back into Jocelyn's car.

Blooded PrincessOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant