"You're quick."

"I was already in the car when you texted. I was already on my way to take a quick drive myself but this is nicer. It's better to do it together." Mamrie starts driving. "So you think she might be pregnant and went to the doctor to get checked?"

Hannah nods. "Do you know which doctor she goes to?"

"Yes I do. It's in town next to the shopping mall."

They drive in silence the rest of the way until they are at the doctor's office. Hannah is fiddling her thumbs nervously to pass the time in the car. She's looking around to see if she sees Grace or her car somewhere. Mamrie arrives at the mall and parks the car in front. They both step out of the car and Mamrie locks it behind them.

"Well lets go in and check if she's been here."

An ambulance races by with the sirens on. Mamrie and Hannah look at each other and Hannah's phone starts ringing again.

She takes it out of her pocket and looks at the caller ID, it's Chester.

"Chester is she home yet?" A sniff sounds through the phone. "Chester what's wrong?"

"She's still not home and I have not heard anything at all, she's not picking up her phone and this is freaking me out more every minute." Chester sniffs again.

"Mamrie and I are driving around to look for her. We'll tell you when we know more."

"Okay thank you. I'm going to drive around too. Take care."

"Same to you Chester." Hannah turns her phone off and looks at Mamrie.

"Still no Grace at home. Let's go and check if she's been here."

Mamrie and Hannah walk into the doctor's office. They walk towards the lady behind the desk, who smiles at them with a big white smile.

"What can I do for you ladies?"

Hannah steps forward to explain the case.

"Hi. So this is going to sound a little bit weird but we've lost our friend. She hasn't come home after a meeting today. She was feeling ill and was acting a little bit weird too. So we thought she might have come here before she went home to her boyfriend."

"What's your friends name?"

"Grace Helbig."

"Yes she's been here at..." She types in some things. "She was here at half past 3 and left really quick after she was done with the doctor."

"Thank you. We're going to keep looking but this already helps a lot. Have a evening day."

"No problem. Good luck! Have a nice evening yourselves."

Hannah and Mamrie walk out of the office to go back to the car. Mamrie opens it so they can go and look for Grace some more. Hannah stops before she steps into the car.

"Is that the same ambulance that came by a couple minutes ago?"

"I don't know Han. Go and take a look before we go."

Hannah shakes her head.

"We can just drive by it. We need to go that way anyway."

Hannah steps into the car and Mamrie starts the car. She drives out of the parking lot and goes left onto the main road towards the ambulance next to the road.

Hannah looks up at Mamrie.

"Isn't that Grace's car?"

Mamrie parks the car to take a better look at the car.

"Yes I think that that is Grace's car indeed. Should we ask?"

Mamrie opens her door to get out and ask what happened here. A police men stops here when she gets closer.

"Ma'am you can't get any closer. A terrible accident has happened here."

Hannah joins Mamrie and they both look at the police men.

"We think that is our missing friends car. Can you tell us anything maybe?"

"I can't tell you anything ma'am. But we're taking her to the hospital now and you can go check if it's her."

Two paramedics drive a stretcher to the ambulance. The girl is moaning softly and a flash of long blond hair can be seen.

"Can we drive behind the ambulance officer?"

"Yes you can follow me to the hospital to find out if this is your friend indeed. Go to the car and drive behind me."

Hannah and Mamrie sprint back to the car and jump in. The officer starts to drive away behind the ambulance and they follow onto the main road. Both cars drive away with the sirens on and in full force.

"Mamrie you need to drive fast if you don't want to lose the ambulance and cop car."

Mamrie speeds up to keep up with the cars in front of her.

It's complicatedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora