"Mia?" He called out. The house seemed awfully quiet.

"Oh Lord, Mia?!" He called out again, starting to lose his cool as he pushed all the doors open.

Nothing. No one.

"GOD!" Harry exclaimed in frustration, teleporting to the one and only. Ed.

"Holy Jesus Christ!" Ed yelped, spilling his drink.

Ed's place was quite messy, filled with books and paper and loads of spell ingredients.

"Can you locate Mia Parker?" Harry asked, getting straight to the point.

"I thought she was your girlfriend. Besides nobody does tracking spells anymore, there's Google Maps and GPS." Ed said, rearranging some scattered papers.

"What are these Google maps?" Harry asked.

"That's pathetic." Ed mocked him, chuckling.

"Fine, I'll be right back." Ed rolled his eyes when he figured Harry was really clueless.

He entered his room and stayed there for a while. Harry, respecting his space didn't follow and just stood there.

"I got her. She's right across this Daniel? apartment building. In the forest." Ed returned after disappearing into the room, a phone in his hand.

"David." Harry corrected.

"Whatever, you're welcome." Ed said and Harry thanked him, snapping his fingers and heading to the forest.

He was greeted by green trees everywhere, the sun was setting, it's rays penetrating the gaps between the leaves and casting such a beautiful reddish yellow light in the atmosphere.

Harry dug his hand in his coat, picking out his phone and dialling the only contact.

His call was answered after the third ring.

"St. Green forest. Right now." Harry demanded and hung up without any sort of greeting.

"Mia?" He called out. Suddenly feeling a strong sensation of nausea.

His vision blurred and his eyes watered.

"Harry? What are you doing here?" Mia asked, surprised.

She was wearing a backpack and her sunglasses were fixed on her head.

"What are you doing here?" He returned the question, wiping his eyes.

"Wow, are you okay? You look semi-dead." She said, putting a hand on his shoulder and inspecting his face.

"I'm fine. I just came here to tell you-" He choked, bending over and spontaneously putting his hands on his knees for support.

"Ha-" She was interrupted by the sound of him, choking on his vomit as he spat it out.

Except, of course, it wasn't a burrito or a pie. It was blood.

"OhmyGod!" She squealed, raising both hands over her mouth so that she doesn't follow him.

"I'm alright, I'm...... No way." Harry trailed off when he took a look around him.

They were pretty fast, but they were there. Slicing through the trees of the woods and fleeing out of it. Foxes. A whole lot of foxes fleeing.

"What is going on?" Mia asked, freaking out.

"Somebody doesn't want me here. Mia, take that and shoot the Helper if you have to. I'll come back for you." Harry promised as he gave her her gun.

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