Chapter 3 Mission Failed?

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'Tell her' Zayn whispered. Why me? I thought Niall was supposed to tell her.


'Well, um..' I said nervously. 

'JUST SAY IT!' she shouted as she stood up. Whoa, how did she get out of Harry's grip?

'Calm down sweetheart, everything's alright' Liam said trying to comfort her.

'How can I calm down when I don't even know why I'm here!'

'Why can't you tell me why I'm here? All you have to do is just say-'

Before I made Abby finish her sentence, I grabbed her by the arm and went upstairs.

'Get your stupid hand off me! Where are you taking me here!'

I turned around so I was facing her.

'Look! Just calm-'

'Stop telling me to calm down! I can't ok! How can I-'

'If you calm down, I will tell you why you're here!' I looked at Abby's expression. She sighed and finally calmed down. Thank god.

I nervously took a deep breath

'Ok, the reason why you're here is because'


It can't be that bad right? I'm sure they all have a good reason why I'm here. Maybe it was a misunderstanding or something.

'Ok, the reason why you're here is because' He pasued. It's bad isn't?

'Your Niall's long lost sister'


'Your Niall's long lost sister'' I said in relief. That didn't go that bad actually.

'What!? That's impossible! How can he be my brother when we have different surnames!? I-I'm going!' She shouted right in front my face. I ran after her downstairs.

'Abby! Don't leave! You can't go!' I shouted as I followed her.

'And why can't I?' She said as she stopped in her tracks and turned around

'Because you are Niall's sister!'

'That's not even true!'

'But it is true!'

'It's not true Louis! I'm not related to him!'  I was about to help her, but she pushed me away.

'Go away from me!'

'Abby, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise.'

'I don't trust you! I don't trust ANY OF YOU!'

'Sweetheart, please don't cry. Everything's going to be alright' Liam said as he came up to her.

'NO IT'S NOT! I HATE MY LIFE!' She then ran to the backyard door. I knew it was locked so she couldn't escape, but somehow, she opened the door and ran. Dammit. All of us then chased her before she could do anything else, but it was too late.

'DANG IT!' I shouted as I saw Abby climbed over the gate that leads to the front. Harry and Zayn climbed over the gate to get her while the three of us ran back inside to the front door. As soon as Liam opened the door, we ran.


As soon as Abby climbed over the fence, Zayn and I climbed over the fence as well. We can't let her go because she is Niall's sister and I want to be with her. She's so beautiful and perfect.

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