One Step Forward, Three Steps Back

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Recap: Jack (Andrea's football-playing boyfriend) was murdered and another note was left at the scene: You know what I want, so why do you wait? Do it soon, or else I will seal their fate. Meredith is highly suspecting of Alex due to his carefree attitude and informative comments about the situation, but the group determined that it would have been difficult for him to commit the murder because he was with Meredith the whole day. Alex invited Meredith to a party at Daniel's (the boyfriend of Veronica, the queenbee) party. She plans to talk to Alex and try to scope out other suspicious looking students. Parker concluded that one of the people helping with the murders has to be a teacher because the hacker used the server that is only available to teacher's computers. The chapter ended with everyone deciding to research the different teachers and narrow down possible suspects. 

Sorry for the long wait!!!!!! If you're reading this, you are amazing. :)

One Step Forward, Three Steps Back

I fell asleep late that night after researching the hell out of these teachers. My mind was spinning with hundreds of random facts about them, trying to distinguish between what is coincidence and what is relevant to the case. Aaron, Sami, Parker, and I agreed on divide-and-conquer method for our research. Sami, Aaron I each took two teachers to research and Parker worked on his computer trying to filter the video of the history hallway. After many long hours, we decided to wait until morning to share our findings. But despite my exhaustion, I couldn't fall asleep. I was puzzling over the one person I couldn't quite figure out: Alex.

I couldn't shake the feeling that he was involved somehow. The look on his face when the officer announced about Jack's murder replayed over and over again in my mind. The look of irritation and annoyance, similar to the way someone looks when a teacher assigns extra homework. It wasn't even anger or shock; as if he'd been expecting it. What does this mean? He couldn't have been at the murder scene or been the person hacking the security cameras because I was with him during class. So I'm stuck. My mind was spinning around and around, going over everything that happened yesterday. Alex, the murder, Veronica, Elise, the teachers...Was it all connected? Is the answer obvious and we're just not seeing it?

By early morning, I gave up on sleep and went to make coffee. At least then I might be able to squeeze some extra research in before the gang wakes up. As I crossed over to the kitchen, I saw Parker sitting at the counter, sound asleep. His head rested on the letters of his laptop and his arms were sprawled across pages of scribbled notes. I debated for a moment on whether or not I should move him somewhere more comfortable, but decided against it. He's about seven inches taller than me, and it would probably wake him up to try. Trying not to think about how tired he must've been to fall asleep in that position, I started brewing coffee. Sami and Aaron should be up soon. As I waited for the coffee, I walked over to the window to look out over the New Jersey landscape. The sun had just made an appearance over the horizon, beginning it's steady climb into the sky. In the far distance, I could just make out a tiny patch of the ocean. It was a glowing orange color, reflecting the rays of the sun. I close my eyes and imagine that I can hear the sound of the waves crashing onto the beach.

"Shoot—did I fall asleep?" a slightly hoarse voice cut through my daydream and I snapped my eyes open.

"Yeah," I answered Parker. "I only just woke up." I walked back into the kitchen and poured myself a large mug of coffee. I got out another—slightly larger—mug for Parker and poured him some too.

"Thanks," he said as I added several scoops of sugar and dollops of cream, the way he likes it.

I handed him the mug, which he sipped quietly. Half of his face was covered in the imprint of letters from the keyboard, the result of sleeping on your computer. Even though he was awake, his eyes were glazed over as he stared unseeingly at a cabinet.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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