"Direct" Messaging

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MafuMafu flopped onto his bed and stared up at the ceiling, feeling incredibly bored. He'd been bored before, plenty of times actually, but this was a level of boredom that had been never before seen by humanity. He was so bored he didn't even feel like doing anything. It was that bad. MafuMafu lazily reached out and grabbed his phone from off of the bedside table. There was only one logical thing to do at a time like this: mess with Soraru.

uni_mafumafu: Soraru-san~

soraruru: What?

uni_mafumafu: Just wanted to say hi <3

soraruru: I'm busy leave me alone

uni_mafumafu: Awww come on, I just wanna talk to yoouuuu

soraruru: Go bother someone else

uni_mafumafu: How mean... -n-

soraruru: Shouldn't you be working right now too?

uni_mafumafu: That's not important

soraruru: Are you serious?

uni_mafumafu: Don't judge me for my life decisions. You don't know me

soraruru: What

uni_mafumafu: I thought we had something special here, but I guess not

soraruru: what

uni_mafumafu: There's no love in this relationship anymore

soraruru: what even

uni_mafumafu: I can't believe you'd be this cruel to me after all this time... After all we've been through together

soraruru: MafuMafu are you okay?

uni_mafumafu: I would've done anything for you

soraruru: Did you hit your head or something?

uni_mafumafu: But no

uni_mafumafu: You left me all alone and never came back

soraruru: Should I call an ambulance?

uni_mafumafu: I wanted love Soraru-san

soraruru: Seriously you're worrying me

uni_mafumafu: love

soraruru: Alright I'm being serious are you okay right now?

  MafuMafu chuckled as he looked at the messages on his phone. This was a lot of fun, but he wanted to take it a step farther. He wanted to really mess with Soraru while he had the chance.

uni_mafumafu: Why don't you come over and see for yourself~? ;)

soraruru: MafuMafu this isn't fair I'm working right now

soraruru: Just give me a god damn answer

uni_mafumafu: ooooohhh getting a little feisty are we? That's fine with me

soraruru: ?

uni_mafumafu: I don't mind being submissive ;)

soraruru: ...wait

soraruru: wait what

soraruru: what is this

soraruru: wtf is even happening

uni_mafumafu: That was a lot of responses in a short amount of time. Are you getting flustered Soraru-san? ww

soraruru: I'm so confused right now

soraruru: Have you finally lost your sanity?

uni_mafumafu: Have you lost your tsun and embraced your inner dere?

soraruru: I hope you die

uni_mafumafu: ow

uni_mafumafu: my feelings are officially hurt ;n;

soraruru: Good I hope that brought you back to your senses

uni_mafumafu: I don't know what you're talking about

soraruru: I don't know what you're talking about! I think you've lost your mind!

uni_mafumafu: I didn't lose anything, but I will if you come over tonight ;)

soraruru: That doesn't even make sense

uni_mafumafu: It does if you think about it

  There was a long pause after MafuMafu sent this message, and he briefly wondered if he had maybe gone too far. That is, until he saw Soraru's response a few minutes later.

soraruru: ......................no

soraruru: no just

soraruru: oh my god

soraruru: I can't even

soraruru: am i even talking to mafumafu right now?

uni_mafumafu: The one and only~

soraruru: are you messing with me right now?

soraruru: please tell me you're messing with me

soraruru: please

soraruru: i'm so distressed i'm not even using capital letters anymore

soraruru: wtf

uni_mafumafu: My angelic powers sense extreme sexual tension going on right now

uni_mafumafu: Soraru-san you secretly want me don't you~?

soraruru: i'm deleting this conversation and burning my phone

  MafuMafu tried messaging Soraru a few more times after that, but he never received a response. MafuMafu sighed and lightly tossed his phone onto the bed beside him. Maybe he had taken things too far. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. If Soraru was still mad about it tomorrow then he'd apologize, but for now MafuMafu decided to just leave things as they were. He had absolutely no regrets.

A/N: I literally have no idea what was going through my mind when I wrote this. It's just something really stupid that I wrote after getting no sleep. I found it kind of funny, so I hope you guys did too. If not, then I promise to make something better next time >.<

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