Chapter 8

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Cas p/o/v

I watched the car speed down the street till it turned and disappeared. What did he mean by different. Did he mean I was weird different or pretty different or just plain old different. He just makes me more confused every time I talk to him. He's the different one though. He hangs out with people like Louis, drug dealers and gang members. But he's nothing like them, or so I have seen so far. He stopped his best friend from hurting me. I don't know many guys who would do that for me other then Harry. I sighed and looked up at the moon. I wished I had taken the dope from him. I could really do with some calming down. I shook me head. I shouldn't be thinking like that. I forced myself to get away from that stuff. I had to stay away.


I turned around to see Harry slowly walking up to me. He looked extremely worried.

"Are you okay? You ran off after the guy attacked you!" he exclaimed.

"Yeah I'm fine," I said looking back to where the car had driven away. Some part of me wished it would come back and the other part wished I never see him again.



"I just asked if you wanted to go home."

I looked at him. His green eyes were mixed with confusion and worry.

"Sorry I'm a little distracted tonight," I said as I pushed my hair back.

"What about Effy?"

"She's going home with Louis... She asked me if you were ok. She looked worried. What happened when you left?"he pressed.

"Nothing Harry... Absolutely nothing," I murmured.


"Nothing. Let's go home," I said and managed a smile. He took my hand and we started down the street. I wish I had worn different shoes. My feet hurt like a bitch and I was extremely tired.

"Remember the day we first met?" He asked me after a few minutes of silence. I smiled and looked at him.

"Mr. Walker got mad at me that day and made me cry and you came up to me with a Kleenex and you told me a joke."

"What do you call a sleepwalking nun?"

"A Roman Catholic," we said in unison and then burst into a fit of laughter.

"I was a cheeky boy back then," he said.

"You still are." He grinned and I poked one of his dimples. He grabbed my hand and held it. I realized we had stopped walking and were in front of my house. I stared at our joined hands and then into his eyes.

"Cas... I have something I need to uh tell you, well a lot of things actually," he said. I smiled and nodded for him to continue.

"I don't know how to um say this but I th-"he was interrupted by my ringtone playing the milkshake song.

He put his head down and giggled.



"You better answer it, she was pretty worried," he explained. I nodded and hugged him.

"Thankyou," I said as I breathed in his familiar scent.

"Bye Cas."

I walked up my front pathway and answered my phone.

"What Effy?"

"Your never gonna guess what happened to me," she shrieked over the phone. I looked back to wave to Harry but he was already gone.

"Tell me everything..."

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