I hugged Uncle Bill and Aunt Karen, still crying. I hugged Matt next and he hugged my back, patting my head.

Harry came up and explained what happened to Uncle Bill and Aunt Karen. They nodded and Karen hugged Harry, thanking him for saving me. "You're welcome, Mrs..." He trailed off. "Barkley." Aunt Karen finished for him. "Mrs. Barkley." He nodded once.

"Thank you." I said, looking at Harry. "I told you not to worry." He hugged me and I hugged him back, breathing in his wonderful scent. We pulled apart and he looked down at me. "I'll see you Tuesday, I think you should stay home Monday." He said. "Why?" I asked. "Trust me. You had a big scare tonight. I think you shouldn't go." He told me. I sighed and gave him a hug again, thanking him for saving me.

"Goodnight." He whispered and left.

I went upstairs to my room, not being able to get a wink of sleep because the memories clouded my brain and fogged my vision.


I woke up, tired and afraid. My nightmare was what happened last night. Who brought a gun to a party? Why did the person shoot? Who did the person shoot? Was it a student? How did this even start, anyway?

My phone buzzed and I looked at it. It was an unknown number, so I didn't answer. They called a second time and I picked up. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey, Ash." Harry said. "Harry? How did you get my number?" I asked. "I asked John for it, I didn't want to wake you to ask for your number." He said. "Wait, you're in my house?" I asked, standing from my bed. "Close. Check your window." He said.

I turned around to find him standing under my window, smiling up at me. I put my phone to my ear and said, "you're adorable, but come inside. It's the middle of October." I told me. He chuckled. "Okay, but you have to let me in. It'd be weird for me to just walk in, right?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and he laughed. I smiled and said, "I'll be down there in a moment," and rushed around, trying to look presentable.

I slept in the clothes I wore yesterday, which were pretty comfortable, and now I'm wearing a red long-sleeved shirt, that kind of looked like a sweater, that said 'Kiss Me' in black letters. I put on some black leggings and a red beanie on. I put some red fuzzy socks on my feet and went downstairs.

I opened the front door. "H!" I yelled. He turned towards me and smiled. He walked up and I let him inside. "Nice home." He said, as I closed the door. "Thanks." I looked at him to find him looking at me. "Kiss Me, wow clever, but I don't really know you much. Sorry." He pouted. "It's just a shirt." I said. "They made it for a reason." He told me. "I happen to wear this shirt when I'm all alone and bored. Don't judge me." I said to him. "I make you bored?" He gasped, pretending to be hurt. "No, you annoy me." I rolled my eyes. He chuckled and sat down on the couch. "Cute socks." He smirked. "Harold!" I groaned, rolling my eyes again. He laughed. "Just kidding. Come sit." He said.

I did.

"Why are you here, not to be rude." I said. He chuckled a little. "Because. I know last night got you scared and you probably didn't get much sleep, but I want to take you somewhere fun." He smiled. "Where?" I asked. "There's a fair downtown, I think we should go." He said. "Really?" I asked. He nodded.

I grinned and hugged him, making him fall back onto the couch. We laughed. "Um..." We turned around, seeing my brother Matt. Our position was a bit weird. I rolled off him, falling off the couch. "You okay?" Harry asked. I nodded and then he laughed. I giggled a bit and stood.

"Okay. Ash, I don't think you should go to the fair." Matt said. "Why?" I asked. "That person who shot up the party is still missing. And I watched the news. He's a killer who escaped prison." He told me. I stepped back. "This is crazy. Why would a killer want to come to Rosewood?" I asked, very confused. "We don't know, Ash." Matt sighed.

"I'm going up to my room... I need to think." I mumbled and ran upstairs.

Harry's POV

I went upstairs, looking at every door. I saw one that said Ashlee's Room in pink words. I shook my head, smiling. I knocked on the door. "Who is it?" Ashlee asked. "Harry. Can I come in?" I asked.

A few seconds past and then she opened the door. She turned around and went to her bed. I walked in and closed the door behind me.

"How are you feeling?" I asked. "Really?" She asked, looking at me with an angry look. "Sorry, love." I chuckled a bit and sat beside her on her bed. "Why must the world be so cruel?" She asked, looking at me. "I don't know." I shook my head, not being able to answer.

The world is such a bad place and I don't understand why. How did it become so bad?

Ashlee and I talked about school and if we should go Monday or not. I didn't want her to go, because I knew that she'd have to deal with questions about the party and she'd hear about the shooting and I didn't want her to relive that.

"I think we should go to the fair. Even if he's still out there. He or she, but still." Ashlee rolled her eyes. I smirked. "Okay, let's go." I said.

We stood and left the house. We hopped into my Range Rover and headed to the fair.

Okay, this was short, but the third chapter will be longer. I promise.

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