Kairi & Erik Chapter 9 part B

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Sorry it took me so long with this one I've had some stuff going on that I had to take care but... I'm back on track :) Vote and Comment!

I waited nervously on the roof for Erik sitting on the edge of the roof and facing the door.

"Hey" I heard a voice I knew too well coming from by my shoulder and a shock ran through me. It startled me so much I started to fall. Erik quickly grabbed me and saved me from a hasty reunion with my Gramps.

"What... how... when" I sputtered incoherently still trying to regain my composure.

"Miss me" he said giving me a quick peck on the cheek before settling down. I hit him on the shoulder glaring at him but secretly glowing on the inside from his now easy affection towards me.

"What was that for" he said rubbing his shoulder in mock injury.

"That was for scaring the crap out of me. How did you get up here anyways" I asked.

"I'm very agile" he said wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"You mean you scaled the building" I asked my eyes the size of Kiwi.

"Stop looking me like I'm some sort of freak. It really isn't that hard. I mean there were plenty of grips in the brick and ivy and such" he said as if people scale buildings every day.

"What are you some kind of ninja" I asked a rhetorical question really.

"Well actually I did look into the fighting style of the ninja but I found it inferior to our own so I soon lost interest." He said this as if it was the most normal thing in the world which maybe it would be where he was from.

I settled down and opened my lunch shaking my head at the stuff he called food he was eating.

"I have something else to corrupt you with" I said smiling and grabbing the bag of candy I had gotten from the vending machine. I shook a few into his hand and he eyed them dubiously.

"You humans are so morbid sometimes. Why you would shape food to look like your children and then eat them is beyond me" he said staring down at the sweet and tangy candy.

"Stop dising humans and eat your sour patch kids" I said scoldingly. He stuck his tongue out at me and then started munching on the treat.

"So" I said feeling a little nervous again "I was wondering." Erik must have sensed something in my tone for he stopped eating and focused his attention on me.

"What would it mean if someone where to find out about us I mean" I said chewing my lip a little.

"Well" Erik said swallowing "I would be taken home immediately and I don't know what would happen to you." I felt my face freeze at the thought of never seeing Erik again but I pushed it aside. I had wanted to know.

"So when I mean how long are you here for" I had struggle to push every word out, every fiber in my being trying to rebel. I could tell Erik didn't really want to talk about it. He always seemed to get upset when I brought up where he was from.

"I'm supposed to stay here until my father decides I've gathered enough information" he seemed lost in thought as he said this. He had a sad and confused look on his face. I didn't like his answer. I could feel myself starting to panic. I mean that could be any time then.

Erik seemed to have taken in the alarmed look on my face for he hastily said "oh don't worry I don't expect that to be any time soon." I felt a little better at his reassurance.

"So does anyone know about us" I asked. "I mean I haven't told anyone but do you think anyone has figured it out."

"Actually Shale knows he's sort of known from the beginning that you were my varisdiplo, that's what we were arguing about on the beach that day."

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