Chapter 5

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Chapter 5- Jane's POV

Jane looked at each pair of guarded, golden eyes before taking an unnecessary breath. Glancing once more at the mind reader, Edward, and the blonde one who could control emotions, Jasper, Jane stared into Carlisle's more welcoming eyes. 

"Before I tell you why I'm here, I suppose I should start at the begining and explain things  so that you will understand better. First of all, Aro sent me here on a mission," Jane began slowly when one of the females cut in. 

"I knew it. I told you they wouldn't leave us alone, Carlisle!" cried out the blonde female Jane assumed to be Violet? No, Jane thought, Primrose? Nope, Jane decided again. 

"Hush Rosalie, let her continue," Carlisle gently replied before nodding his head towards Jane for her to continue. Ah, yes, Rosalie, Jane thought to herself before continuing, ignoring Edward's piercing gaze as he tried to read her mind and get ahead of her. Oh no you don't, you are going to hear this with everyone else because I don't need assumptions and accusations before I finish, Jane directed her thoughts towards him and gave a triumphant smirk at his scowl. 

"What I was going to say is that I came, but not for Aro or his mission. I was originally meant to bring Alec and Felix with me, but I managed to persuade Aro otherwise," Jane continued, making sure to only think of the exact words she was speaking. "When you normally see me, I am under Chelsea's influence. Most of the guard is excluding Chelsea, Aro, Caius, and Marcus, of course. When we are under her influence, everything we do or say is controlled by Aro. We're like zombies, I guess. Most don't know about this part of Chelsea's power and think she only makes one want to serve Aro, but it is much more powerful than that," Jane explained, happy that she finally seemed to catch their attention with this new information. 

"I see," Carlisle murmured. "But why would you tell us this?" Esme, whom Jane had learned was Carlisle's mate, wondered aloud. 

"Well that is where I was headed. You see, until recently, I was under the influence at all times which is how everyone else is. After the incident with the newborn army here in America, Aro granted me freedom from the influence while we are in the castle of the Volturi. This way I could enjoy freedom in our home, but still be controlled by him when we were on missions," Jane continued," Once I was free from the bond, my hate for the Volturi, Aro especially, came back and I began to make a plan." 

An unamused snort came from Jane's side and she turned to face Bella. Oh great, I know she is one of the ones who hates me the most after everything, Jane thought to herself with a mental groan. 

"Do you really expect us to believe that suddenly you hate the Volturi and you had no control of all those terrible things you did? Do we look stupid to you?" Bella began accusingly as she eyed Jane with hate. 

"I expect you to let me finish," Jane grounded out, clenching her fists in frustration. A flicker of movement caught her attention and she saw the others stiffen slightly and move into defensive positions, waiting for her to snap. Jane closed her eyes momentarily and calmed herself before continuing. 

"Anyways, as soon as Aro asked me to go on this mission, I realized that this was my chance. Chelsea is away with her mate, Afton, so they could not put the bonds back on me. I came here because," Jane paused, swallowing her pride and looking into Carlisle's eyes," because I want your help. I want to be free from the Volturi and live, so to speak, without having to be under their control. Once Aro realizes that I am not fulfilling his mission, he will immediately send Demitri after me. I know I have done terrible things to you and your family, but I am begging you to believe me when I say that I had no control. When we are under Chelsea's influence, it is like watching a movie. I can see what is happening but I can't control it at all." 

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