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Enekai Rahal felt a mini orgasm every time the train wheels buckled and chugged. The world outside was a mixture between blue and white, as the sun had gone down and the snowstorm had increased in intensity. Snow whirlwinds blew themselves around close to the window.

She laid back in her bunk, sipped slushed butterbeer, tucked a black rose behind her ear, and said, 'I bet you've been wracking your silly little brains over how I know Xenophilius.'

Luna looked up from the Quibbler, staring as if caught in headlights, and said, 'Didn't you say you met him while he was doing research for the story on the Danbury coiled-tail goblins?'

'Indeed, I did. However, that's a lie.' Rahal rolled over and stared straight into her eyes. 'Certainly you know that I am a high elf, correct? And that I have a vastly longer lifespan. Perhaps you have considered the possibility that I have known Xenophilius for decades now, and that we go back to childhood.'

Luna sat back and said, 'You were wrong as to which one was the lie.'

Rahal's brow scrunched. 'Am I that obvious?'

'You are a terrible liar.'

Rahal sighed and tossed down a pastry wrapped in red plastic. 'Try this. Handmade Grecian lemonsprata.'

Luna undid the wrapping and gawked at the moist yellow ball of cake. It had a smooth layer of lemon-yellow icing all across its body and a pink swirl in the city. She picked off a piece and chewed it. Instantly, she smiled.

'It's the most delicious thing I've ever tasted!'

'I knew you'd like it.' Rahal grinned. 'But you know I lied about what it is, right?'

'No you didn't.'

'Goddammit, I can't actually be that obvious. Or are you just that good?'

Luna took a bite of the thing and said, 'Perhaps.'

Rahal nodded and said, 'A smart-ass art thou?'

Luna stopped. She pulled off her spectacles and her eyes darted around the room before settling upon Rahal.

'Do you hear that?'

Rahal grunted.

'Someone's playing music.'

Again, Rahal grunted. Luna stood and looked around the compartment before checking the other rooms of the train. She came back to her room.

'Is that you?'

Rahal grinned and gave a very bizarre grunt.

Luna put her hands on her hip and gave Rahal a look only a mother could give. Rahal kept right on grinning.

The faint music stopped abruptly, and Rahal cast her a glance.

'Personalized music, love. Can't be helped.'

Luna sat back down and asked, 'What are you listening to?'

'You wouldn't know them.'

'I know many bands. I'm not as musically challenged as I may seem.'

'Hmm. Ever heard of a coupla lads called 'Electric Wizard'?'

Luna put her finger on her chin and wracked her brain. 'I don't believe so.'

'Yeah, I figured. They're not exactly popular at the moment. Actually, they just got their start a few months ago, if I recall correctly.' Rahal pulled herself up to sit and said, 'What is it, 1995? Yes, yes, their first album came out this very year.'

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