10] Hello My Name Is...

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"Alexa I hope you're awake because you have some serious explaining to do," my mom said sharply.

"Honestly I don't remember last night and if I did do something wrong I apologize."

"Well, let's go through the checklist shall we?" My mom replied before thrusting my curtains open so that the light would burn my eyes. "Are you listening now?"

"Yes," I snarled before thrusting the sheets over my head.

"You came home in the back of a stranger's car. You came home after your curfew again with a stranger who may I tell you was male? You came home reeking of whatever liquor you decided to drink, again with a strange male who could've taken advantage of you. So please tell me what exactly you were thinking?!"

"Well, mom I was thinking that I was going to go out and a have a night of fun. Or maybe I was trying to pretend that I hadn't moved more than a thousand miles away from my only friends who let me tell you have all made it perfectly clear that they want nothing to do with me." Tears threatened to pour from my eyes as I pressed on. "But I guess you wouldn't know any of that because you're barely here enough to see further than your own problems," my voice chilly with the anger I always tried to withhold.

"When you're ready to talk like the mature young adult you're supposed to be we'll have a conversation, but I refuse to argue with a drunken teenager," she snapped before lowering a trembling hand filled with a glass of water and Tylenol down to my nightstand table like an open invitation.


My life has been checkered with plenty of bad decisions, but none of them compare to my actions of last night. My head still throbbed angrily, despite my efforts of making the hangover as painless as possible.

"Honey! I know you feel sick, but a guy name Asher wanted to see if you were okay," My dad said from outside my bedroom's door.

"Alexa! Can I please come in?" Asher asked before deciding to barge inside my room, large bag in tow.

"I highly doubt my silence was an invitation to come inside my room," I snapped.

"Well, after last night the least I could do is to come over and make sure you were still alive,"

"Well, now that you see that I still parade across the land of the living will you please go?!" I asked.

"I also thought that you would like breakfast, but if you're not hungry I'll just--"

"You have food?" I asked jolting upwards from my bed.

He turned away and scratched his head. "I did, but I'm not sure if you deserve it now. I mean you did want me to leave."

"Asher, don't play. I'm hungry and hungover so don't think that I'm in a joking mood," I growled. slipping out from between the flimsy sheets on my bed.

"Fine! don't kill me over food that I may or may not have," He chuckled.

"What is behind your back?" I asked plastering an innocent smile on my face.

His cheeks reddened as he brought the large bag he had been carrying in front of him.

"Since you asked nicely, I brought over some breakfast from the Pancake Shack--"

"Give it to me!" I shouted throwing my blanket off.

Within a few minutes we were both digging into the deliciousness that was the Atlanta Pancake Shack.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2017 ⏰

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