(18) I Want To Do Bad Things With You (boyxboy)

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I Want To Do Bad Things With You

Chapter 18

Somehow I managed to fall asleep while Jace was holding me in his arms. I wasn’t planning on it but I guess the medicine they gave me really kicked in. When I woke up the room was pitch black and my heart was pounding in my chest. I had the worst dream ever and the fact that it might become reality scared the crap out of me.

“Jace,” I whispered softly, hoping with all my might that he was there. I really needed him to reassure me now. I needed him to tell me that everything will be ok.

“Yeah,” I heard his voice say, followed by some shuffling and then a faint light went on next to my bed.

Seeing his beautiful face made me feel better instantly. This boy really has a major effect on me, but it is all good. As long as he loves me and wants to be with me I’ll be the luckiest person alive.

Jace sat down on the bed next to me, taking my hand in his and gently placing a kiss on my head. Feeling him so close to me made me want to grab a hold of him and kiss him like I’ve never kissed him before but I knew I couldn’t do that. The slightest movement hurt like hell and the doctors specifically instructed me to keep as still as possible.

“How did you sleep?” Jace asked, his eyes scanning my face for an answer.

“Horribly, I had the shitiest dream,” I answered honestly, feeling no need to act brave around Jace.

“What was it about?” Jace asked, his voice filled with concern.

“I dreamt that I could never play football again and that I don’t get the scholarship and then you dumped me because I was a complete loser,” I replied, unable to look him in his eyes.

“I’ll never leave you, ever, no matter what happens, I’m with you for better or worse,” Jace stated as he gently tilted my head so that I had to look at him. His eyes were filled with honesty and I knew he was telling the truth and if I was completely honest with myself I already knew this, but hearing him say it still made me feel a hell of a lot better.

“Forever,” I whispered, smiling up at him and then he did something that surprised the shit out of me but also made me extremely happy. He leaned forward and kissed me. It wasn’t a long or hard kiss but it was a lot more than a peck and managed to make my insides turn with desire.

I had a lot of questions but Jace insisted that I get some rest, promising that he will tell me everything that happened in the morning. He sat with me until I finally fell asleep and when I woke up he was still there. He looked tired but his eyes lit up when I woke and he greeted me with a kiss.

I was about to ask him to tell me everything that happened when a nurse came walking into my room with a tray in her hands. Whatever she had on it smelled really good but when I saw it I lost my appetite completely. It looked like they had taken everything they could find, threw it in a blender and now expected me to eat it.

“I’m not hungry,” I lied, well, it wasn’t a complete lie, I wasn’t hungry, I was starving.

“Please just try to eat,” Jace asked from beside me as he eyed the food with disgust and as usual I couldn’t say no to him.

I have to admit that it didn’t taste as bad as it looked but when I got about half way I just couldn’t eat anymore. The nurse was happy about the amount I had eaten though and said that the doctor would be in to check on me in a few minutes before she took off.

I took this as my opportunity to find out exactly what happened that night and over the last two weeks while I was in a coma.

“Who found me?” I asked, knowing Jace would know what I was talking about.

“I did,” he replied, his face contorting with anger.

“But I asked you to stay at home,” I stated, trying to peace everything together.

“I know but I was way too worried about you so once you left I took off after you. It took me a lot longer to get there since I was walking and according to the doctors if I got you here any later then  I did, it would have been too late,” Jace said, taking my hand in his.

“Where were my parents and Brian while all this was happening?” I asked, not quite believing that my own flesh and blood could be so cruel.

“I don’t know where Brian was and I figure your parents were inside the house. They had no idea what had happened though. I called your dad on my way to the hospital and he got here as soon as he could. Apparently your mom wanted to come as well but he told her to stay at home. He’s been around a lot over the last two weeks but he refuses to let you mom come to the hospital,” Jace answered, looking deep in thought.

“What happened to Brian, did he go back to college?” I asked, trying to keep calm. I still couldn’t understand how he could hate me so much that he would actually try to kill me.

“He’s in prison,” Jace replied, looking quite happy about this fact.

“What? How?” I asked, confused by his words.

“Your dad turned him in that night. After the doctors had stabilized you he went back home and called the cops. Good thing too because if he didn’t I would have killed that son of a bitch,” Jace said, smiling at the idea.

“But how did he proof that it was Brian who did this to me?” I asked, still slightly shocked that my dad had turned in Brian.

“You remember about a year ago your dad installed camera’s right around the house, well they picked up everything and from what your dad says, the cops didn’t hesitate to arrest him,” Jace answered.

“I can’t believe he did that,” I stated, not quite believing that my dad chose me over Brian.

“Yeah, it was pretty cool of him,” Jace said, sounding impressed.

“What’s going to happen to Brian now?” I asked, squeezing Jace’s hand.

“I don’t really know. They denied him bail, claiming that he is a danger to society and said that he will be given a trial as soon as you wake up or they get more information from the hospital,”

“Am I going to have to testify?” I asked, not looking forward to the idea.

“I guess so but it won’t be that bad, all you have to do is tell the truth,” Jace answered, managing to calm my nerves a bit.

“And it’s not like he can hate me more then he already does,” I joked sarcastically, causing Jace to laugh and give me another one of his unforgettable kisses.

I Want To Do Bad Things With You (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now