The Dark Forest

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Chapter 3- the dark forest

I ended up getting me and Draco into two whole months of detentions



Anyway later that night I was walking down to Hagrid's hut with Draco accompanied by filch. We weren't allowed to talk either which I saw no point of as we were whispering anyway! Ha, he's such an idiot!

Filch and I had never really got on to say the least. He started to despise me after I set stink bombs off in every corridor at the same time, which basically made the castle smell like a giant cow farm!! Draco helped me with this of course as this was our first major prank which we got remembered for. Ever since then filch has held a grudge towards me and Draco, trying to get us into trouble all the time when we don't even do anything.

Well that's a lie, it's basically always us, and nearly all the time!

Ha I have a fun life!

We finally reached Hagrid's hut when Hagrid was waiting outside for us. You could tell he really didn't want to be doing this anymore than we did.

"Come on then" he finally said as filch stumbled back up to the castle.

"Ugh... Hagrid?" I asked

"What?" He said in his gruff voice

"What are we actually doing?"

"Well it's obvious isn't it?"

"Umm, no, not really"

He sighed

"We 'ave to go into the forest to find the right 'erbs for professor sprout to make sure she can make the supply of mandrake juice so none of em die. We 'ave to find the 'erbs in the only place they grow, the 'art of the dark forest."

"Oh yeah that's real obvious" I drawled getting a nudge from Draco as if to say 'shut up'.

I rolled my eyes and neatly tripped over a fallen branch landing flat on my face, Letting out a strangled scream whilst doing so.

I hate this forest

Draco was no help as he just stood there laughing at me whilst I was groaning on the ground.

"Ugh Draco, help me up!" I complained as I tried to get up but slipping and falling down again.

"Hmm... nahh I don't think so, It would just ruin the fun!" he smirked

I glared at him from my position on the floor before using the nearest tree to be my support when trying but yet again failing to stand up.

I finally managed to stand up with my feet on the ground rather than my face and stumbled over to Draco pushing him into a nearby bush. oh the joy!

"AGHH JEMMA!!" He yelled as I quickly ran in a different direction away from him.

Hehehe I can be so evil sometimes!

I quickly ran around a lake only to not look where I was going and run flat out into a tree. God I'm stupid. I rolled around there on the ground for a minute moaning and clutching my face before realising that I should probably shut up and try to find the other two.

I got up and carefully walked back the way I came clutching my head in my hand while doing so. Before I knew it I saw a light in the distance guessing that it was Hagrid's lantern and started stumbling towards it.

My eyesight was becoming blurry as I finally walked round a tree to see a brightly lit clock just sitting on the ground. I looked around quickly, giving myself a massive headache which I immediately regretted after.

There was no one else about as I slowly staggered towards the mysterious clock on the ground.

What the hell is a clock doing in the middle of the forest?

I reached it and bent down to get a better look at it. It was a small glass alarm clock happily ticking away as if it were in someone's bedroom about to wake them up. I reached out towards the clock and picked it up looking at it before I felt a turning sensation around me and everything went blurry. The turning then stopped, the clock disappeared and I felt myself pass out into the inky blackness that covered my eyes...


Oohh cliffhanger! What will happen next??!!

I must really love you guys! 3 updates in 2 days!!

I really have nothing better to do though!

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battaaa ✌️

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