Chapter Twenty Nine

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  • Dedicated to all of my readers.

It's almost over, IT'S SOOOOO HARDDDD TO SAAAAYYY GOODBYYYYEEEE TOOOO YESSSTTTERRRDAYYYYYY. Haha, but forrealz guys, only a few more chapters of this and then finito. Isn't that sad? Anyways, I hope y'all like this chapter, and for those of you guys who always want more Honey and Tyga, here you go. 

Uhh, comment, vote, add this to y'alls libraries, fan me, and all that good stuff. 

OH, and major thanks and love to SincerelyShay, and BeautifulStruggle_ for helping me with my writers block. Y'all made this chapter and UOENO it. 

I'm done, lolol. Love you guys, peace!

- Keiana

Chapter Twenty Nine


Dylan Bernice Anthony  


The drive back home was quiet and peaceful. I didn’t want to leave, it was like paradise here. We’d made so many memories here over three days, and now we were headed back to reality. The reality was, we were going to graduate in a few weeks, and face the real world. That shit was nerveracking.


Some of us were going to leave each other and live our lifes, some of were going to break up.

“What’re you thinking about baby?” Chris whispered into my ear and entwined our fingers together.

“Life.” I answered. Chris didn’t say anything back, he just kissed my neck softly and squeezed my hand.

“I love you.” I whispered so I wouldn’t wake up the others.





I laid in my bed on my laptop facetiming Chris while looking at colleges. I’d already gotten a few colleges who wanted me, but I didn’t know what I wanted to do. Of course Chris was going to UCLA on a basketball scholarship, but I didn’t know what I was going to go to school for.

“This is so hard Chris.” I groaned and stared at him through the computer screen.

“I know Dylan, but as long as you’re close enough to drive to then we’ll be fine.”


Chris had told me that we didn’t need to go to the same college, he just wanted me to be in California. That was fine with me, it gave me more options. I was on USC’s website looking at all they had to offer, and they were looking pretty good. Their letter telling me that they wanted me at their school had come while we were at the beach house.

“I know, I’m talking about me though. Like scholarships and shit.” Chris had all his shit planned out, and he’d already visited UCLA three times to get his stuff set up. He even knew what his classes and dorm room were.


Chris was going to live on campus, he said it’d be easier for him, and I was going to live in an apartment off of campus, but driving distance to it. Heather was thinking about going to USC too, and if she did end up going then we’d live together.


We had absolutely no idea what Honey was going to do, and she hadn’t told anyone about her plans. Her mom said she wanted her to be a doctor, but didn’t every Asian parent?

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