Chapter 20

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After breakfast, Maine decided to do ¾ bath. While Maine was cleaning herself, Richard cleared the dishes they used. At around 10 AM, the doorbell sounded. When Richard opened the door ushered his mother inside. When they walked to the living room, Maine was also coming out of her room.

"Good Morning Iha." Richard's mom approached her and gave her a hug.

"Good Morning Ma'am." Maine greeted.

"Ma'am? Do I look like a teacher? Call me Tita. Or better yet, call me Mommy." She said with a huge smile.

"Ti-tita. Good Morning Tita." Maine said awkwardly.

Richard's mother again hugged her and said, "I now have a daughter." She was a bit teary eyed so Richard guided his mom to seat on the couch. "Mom, you're being too emotional again."

"Sorry. I just got carried away. Well, Richard, can you bring all these in the kitchen and fix it. Then you better leave. Your father is waiting for you." She instructed Richard.

Richard just smiled at Maine and carried all the plastic bags with groceries towards the kitchen. Maine was about to follow Richard but Richard's mom stopped her.

"Maine Iha, you don't have to help him. He can do that. You're supposed to rest. Come here, sit with me. Richard told me that you're already bored. He said you're not use to not doing anything."

Maine sat beside Richard's mom and replied, "Yes, Tita. I told Richard that I'm now okay and I can now go back to work but he won't allow me." Maine said while pouting. She's now become comfortable with Richard's mom.

"Good. I told him not to allow you to work until next week. You need to follow your doctor's advice." She said pointedly.

Richard then walked back to the living room and spoke, "Well, I have placed all the groceries in the cabinet." He then smiled upon seeing the two most important women in his life seating side by side.

"Good. Now, you better leave. Your father's waiting for you." His mom said.

"O-okay." He replied and just smiled at Maine. "I'll be back after lunch." He then winked at Maine and approached them to give them both a hug.

"Drive safely son. Don't worry about Maine. I'll take care of her. We will have a lot of fun. There's no need to hurry back."

"Thank you Richard." Maine mouthed as their eyes met. "Drive safely." She said out loud.

Richard again gave them a smile before he headed out.

Maine felt a little awkward after Richard left. She only met Richard's mom once and it was an embarrassing moment for her. She was uneasy on what to do and how to act so she decided to offer her a drink so she can at least gain her bearing.

"Do you want something to drink Tita? Coffee? Tea? Juice?" Maine asked.

"No, no. I'm good." She said with a smile. "Hey, it's alright. You don't have to be afraid."

Maine just smiled. There was an awkward silence for about a minute before Rose spoke. "I know that we still don't know each other well yet, but I want you to know that I already like you." Rose then smiled at her.

"I know, why don't we have lunch together so that we can get to know each other more? What you think?"

Maine felt warm knowing that Richard's mother like her already. She feels at ease with her as minutes pass by. "I like the idea Tita. What do you want to eat? I can cook."

"No, no, no my dear. You will get tired. Let's just eat out. The mall is near your place so we can just eat there."

"Yes. I'm going out. Hehehe... Richard doesn't want me to go out." Maine said while jumping out of joy.

"Okay. Let's go?"

"Wait, I will just change my clothes."

"You look pretty already. But okay, go ahead. I'll wait for you here."

"Thank you Tita."

Maine took only about 10 minutes to change her clothes. She put on a light foundation and lipstick to complement her look. After 1 last look at herself from her mirror, she got her bag and her phone and came out of her room.

"Let's go Tita!" Maine said, excitement can be heard from her voice.

"Okay. Let's go then." Rose said as she stands up from the couch.

Both ladies went out of Maine's house and headed outside.

"Let's just use my car. So that we don't need to drive and look for a parking." Rose said as she motioned for her car.

"Okay." Maine said.

The drive to the mall was relatively short. They arrived at the mall in no time. They immediately proceeded to a restaurant inside. Once they settled and ordered their food, Rose immediately started speaking.

She was beaming with a smile and said, "so, what' your status with my son?"

Maine blushed as she was caught off-guard with the question. "Uhhmmm, I can say we are friends."

"Friends?!? Oh my God. My son is really slow." Rose said while at the same time clapped her forehead.

"Hahahaha...." Maine laugh. "Tita, I have only known your son for almost a year. We will get to know each other more. I think we can be really good friends."

"Iha, I don't want you to be her friend. I want you as his wife." Rose said.

"OMG Tita." was all Maine was able to say.

"I mean, don't you like him? My son is very lovable you know?"

"I know Tita. He can be very persuasive at times."

"Yes, he is. So what's stopping you from becoming her girlfriend?"

"To be honest Tita, I also don't know. I'm currently focused on my residency that I don't have time to think of my personal life."

"Oh okay. I understand that. But I hope you also give time for your personal life. And of course my son."

"Hahahaha. I will Tita, I will."

"Okay. Well, I'm not forcing you to marry him immediately. It's just that, this is the happiest I have seen my son. I know that you're the reason for his extra bounce on a daily basis. You're really a good one for him." Rose said.

Maine didn't know what to say, so she just smiled. She admitted to herself that Richard also makes her smile but she's not ready to admit it yet to anyone else.

"Hey, can I ask a favor from you Maine?"

"What is it Tita? If I can, why not."

"Whatever will happen between you and my son, promise me you will still be part of our family. I always wanted a daughter and having you as such gives joy to me." Rose said a little teary eyed already.

Maine was touched with the request that she also became emotional with the request. "Of course Tita. You know, I have lost both my parents when I was a teenager and I have been here in States for quite some time now. I do like to have a family here as well. I know I have my grandparents in the Philippines but still, they are so far." A single tear already fell from her eyes. "Thank you Tita. Thank you for accepting me as part of your family."

"No, Thank you Maine. Thank you for fulfilling one of my dreams. Thank you for agreeing to become my daughter." Rose said as she stood up and embraced Maine.

The two women then held each other and afterwards laugh together. After that they continued to eat their dinner while telling different stories about themselves.

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