Chapter 6.

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Your POV:

"An explosion! " Ed said. He handed Sara to me and ran out the club. "Stay here!" He yelled before disappearing.

I looked at Marco and he nodded undestanding what I meant. I placed Sara down carefully. "Stay here ,okay? Big sis will be back in a minute. " I said and kissed her forehead. I ran in the back stage to look for something to cover my face and hair. I found a mask and a hoodie.I put them on and ran out on the streets towards the explosion. There I saw Ed and Al fighting with Scar. When Scar was near Ed ,ready to hit him, I placed my hands together then down, on the ground, making a big wall between them saving Ed's ass. I jumped up on the top of the wall facing Scar.
He looked up and smirked.

"So , we meet again?" He said with a cheeky grin.

"Hello babe! Did ya missed me?"

Ed's POV:

As I ran to the explosion's place,I saw Al fighting with Scar. Just seeing Scar made me angry . When I was near them , I was spotted by Scar.

"Huh, the one I was looking for! Ready to die for god?" He asked and lifted up his sleeve to show his tattos.

"Yea, right. How you said." I run to him transmuting my automail arm in a blade. He dodged. When I was ready to turn , a wall appeared behind me ,blocking my way to Scar.Then someone jumped on .

"So , we meet again?" I heard Scar talking to the person.

"Hello,babe! Did ya missed me? " She said. So ,she's a girl and they know each other.

"Very much!" Scar said sarcasticly. The girl jumped down ,out of our sight ,on the other part with Scar. Al destroyed the wall with alchemy and we could see the fight between her and Scar. When we wanted to jump in the fight ,Mustangs cars were here. We couldn't have a word in all this .When Scar saw the cars and the mans getting out of them ,he made his way to escape with alchemy .

"What was that ?" Mustang asked taking a place next to us.

"Scar started a fight then she appeared ." Al said pointing to the girl. The girl walked towards us . We couldn't see her face because it was covered by a mask.

"Misterios, good to see you !" Mustang greated her.

"I would want to say this too but I can't ." She said .

"Boys , she's the Misterios Alchemist. " Roy introduced her to us. "Misterios , they are Edward and Alphonse Elric. " We shook hands .

"So , you must be the great Fullmetal Alchemist. I see why they call you 'fullmetal' . " She said to Al. A tick mark appeared on my forehead.

"Umm, I'm not . He is !" Al said pointing to me with a sweat-droop.

"Huh? " She questioned and walked to me. As she was staying there ,I noticed that I was taller than her . "Relax ,man! I knew ! But I wanted to see a reaction from you . Anyway" She said and started to walk away . "I need to go ! Buhh-bye! " She blew a kiss in the air and left running into an alley.

"Who is she ?" I asked completly confused.

"Its a mistery." Mustang said confused too , I can tell.

Mia's POV:

After the little chat I ran away quickly before Ed could ask questions and before he could be back in the club . I entered the club ,undressed and walked back to Sara and the rest. After some minutes , Ed was back.

"Hey!" He waved to us with a small smile on his face.

"Eddie !" Sara ran and hugged his leg.

"Someone has a new nickname !" I said with a giggle like nothing happend a few minutes ago.

"Are you alright?" He asked with a worried tone.

"Yeah.." Marco replied with a serious face and went in the back stage to prepare the things for tonight, I think.

"Well, lets head back home before something else happens." I said and smiled towards Sara. At my smile, she hugged Ed's leg tighly .

"Can Eddie come too?" She asked looking at me with her cute eyes . How could I say 'no'? 'Anyway ,I want him to come too...'

"W-well, if he w-wants to come too, it's alright with m-me!" I said as I mumbled the last words making them barely audible.

"I have to check on Al,maybe later." He said as he rubbed the back of his head,with a hint of blush on his cheeks.

"Maybe for dinner and after you can come and see the show ! O-of course , if you want ! " I said with my cheeks burning and waving my hands around.

"I'd love to ! Bye !" He said and left. After that , we went back home .

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