I ran up the girl's dormitory stairs and ran through the hallway. I opened the door to my room, and ran over to Hermione's bed. I shook her awake, and she sat up flustered. I pulled her down to the common room without a word, and ran up the boy's dormitory stairs. I shook Ron, and screamed at him to wake up. When he was finally woken, so were the rest of the boys. They grumbled, and I dragged Ron to the common room.
"Harry went with Dumbledore to the cave where one of the horcruxes is hidden," I made out in one breath. They both looked at me, then at each other. "Draco's probably trying to sneak death eaters in right now!"
"Why would Draco do that?" Hermione whispered.
"Because they're going to try to kill Dumbledore!" I shouted, and nearly burst into tears. This was all going wrong, I had to stop it.
"How did you find that out?" Her voice was cracking.
"I tried to tell Harry, I did.." I was practically going into hysterics.
"Does anyone else besides Draco and us know what they're going to do?" Ron asked me.
"Dumbledore knows. He made me swear not to tell anyone.." I hiccuped. Hermione pursed her lips, and swallowed hard.
"Dumbledore's too strong to die at Draco's hands. It's impossible," She tried to convincing herself. I shook my head, and buried my face in my hands.
"Well can't we go find Draco and tell that git that he's not going to win? And perhaps capture him?" Ron said. I walked over to the door, and it wouldn't budge.
"Draco's already planned that. He must have locked the doors." I started blinking out salty tears, and I pounded on the door. "Dammit!"
All we could do was wait.
We sat in the common room together, too nervous to talk. The tension in the room made itself known, seeping through us. My breath was ragged and uneven. There was stillness in the air, freezing every known object in the room. I knew it was going to be a bad night, i just knew...
"Stupefy!" Someone said, stepping through the Gryffindor common room entrance. Hermione shrieked, and dropped to the ground. "Stupefy!" A different voice shouted. Ron grunted, then dropped in his chair. I lunged for my wand, but was taken aback. I saw a shadow blocking my light, and a person slammed into me. The wind was knocked out of my lungs, and I was trying to breathe as the person grabbed my wand and tossed it across the room. I struggled, and the person elbowed me hard in the back. I stopped moving.
"Wh-What do you want.." I tried to say. My voice was weak, and I was breathless.
"Very funny," a deep voice boomed, then chuckled. I turned my neck to look up at the mysterious person. He was a man, with blond hair and piercing blue eyes. He couldn't have been older than twenty, but he was probably older than me. His face was defined, but badly scarred. I knew him from somewhere!
He grabbed my arms from behind my back, and I attempted to break them free. In merely seconds, he had my arms tied.
"Who are you?!" I screamed before he stuffed a gag in my mouth. He gave me a wicked grin that sent chills up my spine. He forced the gag into my mouth, and dragged me off the couch. I tried to kick him in the leg, in hopes of catching him off balance. The man twisted my leg, and smashed me to the ground. He tied up my legs. As I wailed, I saw a flash of silver.
He was holding a knife next to my neck, and he was inches away from my face.
"Never, ever do that again, or it may just be the last thing you ever do." He slashed the blade across my right cheek, and I howled as he sheathed the weapon. He force-dragged me to stand up. Unable to walk because of my legs being bound, I fell on my knees. The man effortlessly dragged me out of the common room, and threw me to the ground as he stepped outside. I screeched as I hit the ground.

Life of a Malfoy
FanfictionAlexandria Malfoy is almost sure she knows exactly who she is when she steps onto the Hogwarts express with her twin brother, Draco. But when she steps off with Harry Potter, her world turns upside down. She tries to break the Slytherin Princess st...