the lady loves me... but she doesn't know yet

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(John's POV): "John?" Louise called walking to our table. By 'our table' I mean the small table at the cafeteria where Paul McCartney, Pete Best, Stu Sutcliffe, Cynthia Powell, George Harrison (the new guitarist of the band) and his girlfriend who I didn't know the name and I were sitting. "I need to talk to you"

When Stu heard the femenine voice he immediately turned around smirking, ready to flirt. "How you doing?" he winked. I kicked his leg under the table. That's Louise, you bastard. "Ouch! What's that for?" He asked, now to me. He then raised his eyebrows, comprehending. "Oh that's the girl you like!" he turned back to Louise "He now shaves every morning because of you, y'know"

I kicked him once more, lighter this time, and he finally shut up.

"What's it?" I asked Lu, pretending nothing ever happened.

"What's what?" she asked confused.

"The thing you wanted tell me"

"Oh, right. Mr Spencer canceled our physics classes"

"What? Why he'd do that?" I frowned.

"I don't know, he said someone else is going to use that room"

"But we can keep it going, right? We don't need to do it here, we can do it at my house if you want" I offered hopefully, those lessons were my only excuse to see Louise everyday.

"Hmmmmmmm" Paul smirked at us.

I smacked the back of his had. Why is everyone so unconvinent?

"Sounds great" Louise said blushing and glanced at her watch "I better be going then"

"Louise! One second!" George called out pulling away from a two-hours-long-kiss-with-the-girl-i-didnt-know-the-name "Are you going to our concert friday? Please, it'll be my first show" he begged.

She bit her lip - I loose my breath everytime she does that. "Sorry Geo, I can't, it's my mother's birthday" She said. George pouted. "But maybe I can go to the party after"

"Oh groovy!" I said enthusiasticaly "It'll be at Stu's, just a few blocks away from yours, across that smelly square. You'll probably recognize the house"

"Yeah, it's the one with the loud music and drunk teenagers falling in and out" Stu completed "Be there at nine o'clock"

"Okay" Louise giggled "I'll try to make it"

* * * * *

"Hiya fellas" I said lighting a cig and resting my back against the school's gate, where I usually waited for Louise.

"Ello mr 'lets do it at my place'" Paul said taking my fire to light his own fag "hope you have cleaned your room or mrs french girl wont come back, y'know"

"At least I have someone to fuck and don't have to masturbate all night" I replied making the lads crackle, except Paul of course.

But before he could give his girly reply I localizated Louise "I better be going now folks, mrs french girl is waiting for me and I have to give her some good shagging"

I threw my cigarette on the ground, into a puddle of water and walked up to Louise.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yes" she smiled.

"May I?" I offered gesturing to her bag.

"Oh thank you" she laughed while giving me the bag.

"Hope you don't mind walking" I said taking her hand. "My house is a bit far"

"I don't. Actually I enjoy walking" she shrugged.

Ain't She Sweet - FanficitonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora