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Liv and Maddie were coming back from their driver's test

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Liv and Maddie were coming back from their driver's test. Everything in the house was decorated like race cars. I even made cookies shaped like race cars. Mom, Dad, Parker, Joey, Diggie and I were waiting for the twins.

"Okay, Liv and Maddie will be back from their driving test any second.
Ready to celebrate?" Mom asked.

"Do it," Joey told us.

Parker and I showed mom a giant license. Parker and I stuck out head though it.

"Sing it loud!" I mimicked Liv.

"Bam! What?!" Parker mimicked Maddie.

"I'm stoked for Maddie. Having a license means she can go anywhere and do anything." Diggie spoke up.

Dad glared at him.

"That a responsible teenager would do after getting approval from her father. Not that I've ever asked her not to get approval. Why am I still talking?" Diggy asked scared.

I shrugged.

"Why are you in my house? Why haven't you gotten a haircut? We've all got questions." Dad told him.

Liv came in with a smile.

"There she is. Congratulations, Liv.
One of our two new drivers." Mom smiled.

"Hold your rah-rahs. Only one of us passed. Total bummer-rang." Liv frowned.

Everybody frowned.

"Aw, you'll get it next time, kid," Dad told her.

"No, I'm the one who passed.
License to surprise!" Liv exclaimed.

Mom hugged her.

"Wait, if you passed, that means Maddie failed. Maddie doesn't fail anything." Diggie told her.

"Ooh! Oh!" Diggy yelled began realizing.

We all began destroying the decorations.

I ate all the race car cookies.

"Burn it! Burn it all!" I yelled.

Maddie came in annoyed.

"Well, I failed. Guess I know what it feels like to be a loser now. You know what I'm talking about, Joey." Maddie was upset.

"Ouch! I would call that a drive-by if you had your license." Joey fired back.

"So what happened?" Mom asked.

"I will tell you what happened. The DMV discriminates. Yeah. They only give their licenses to people who can make left-hand turns." Maddie told her.

"They do come in handy when you want to go left." Mom told her.

"Why would you purposefully turn into oncoming traffic when you can go up one block and make three rights?" Maddie asked.

Ally Rooney|| Liv & Maddie Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora