High school Days

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I had a slight bit of inspiration today to write this fan fic. It just popped into my head and I wanted to read a fan fic like this but couldn't find one!? 

How could I let you all miss out? So I've decided I'm going to write my own. Enjoy ;)

Might be the first time some of you will be looking forward to school hehehe 

WARNING: Yaoi!!! (The beautiful relationship between two boys <3 in other words boy x boy action) You have been warned! Also the characters aren't mine :'( Sad but true. If they were Naruto definitely would be an entirely different show muwhahaha ;D 


I promise I'll update my other stories this weekend! Working on them now ;p


Going to school is a nightmare. I don't know why anyone bothers. It's always so boring, everyone's always swooning over Sasuke so I can't even get a girlfriend. Stupid Teme. 

All I want is for something to happen.


Something different.

Hell, I'd take anything! 

They always say be careful what you wish for don't they?

If I'd know what was about to happen in the next few days I never would have never let that stupid wish cross my mind. 

It all started on Monday morning....


"OK OK I'M UP!" I yelled as I slammed my fist into the poor unsuspecting alarm clock. Cracking my bright blue eyes open I looked out the window at the sky. 

"Looks like rain" I muttered as I yawned and ran a hand through my blonde hair thinking about breakfast. Getting up I showered and got changed into my school uniform. This consisted of brown trousers, a white shirt, black blazer and a red tie with black shoes to match the blazer. Going into the kitchen I made myself the best food in the world. Ramen. Mmmmmmmmm... 

Setting off to school I slung my black rupsack over my back and left feeling ready for anything. 

When I arrived at school I was greeted by my only friends Kiba and Sakura. Kiba patted me on the back, as I walked up, with a massive grin on his face. 

"Somethings wrong. Kiba why are you so happy?" I chuckled as I questioned the brown haired man. 

"I finally got a girlfriend Naruto!!!" He exclaimed excitedly and blushed.

"What really!? Who?" I was astonished and slightly jealous, but I was so happy for my best friend. Finally he'd found someone to love after long years of searching.

"Hinata" He blushed

"Really!? That's amazing Kiba! What happened? How did you two get together?" 

"Well... Last night I was walking Akumaru in the park and Hinata was there. I ended up saying hi and we walked together for a while. I confessed to her and it turned out she felt the same way about me! I can't believe it! We're dating now Naruto. Thanks for all the help earlier with helping me talk to her and all in the first place."

"That's great Kiba!" I grinned and patted his shoulder. I noticed Sakura looking down and blushing. Curious I raised an eyebrow at her. "What's wrong Sakura?"

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