[04] Topsy Turvy

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Kelsey's POV

It was almost half two in the afternoon when I finally decided to get of bed and be productive. I wasn't even sleeping, not really. I couldn't sleep with the amount of thoughts running through my mind. After my visit at Danny's house, I thought a lot about what Jackson had said, and I think it's best that I tell Isaac everything before someone else gets there before me. I can't lie to him anymore, it's driving me insane.

Stepping outside my room, I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. "Hey, I was wondering when you were gonna wake up." My brother smiled as he sat down at the table with his lunch. "You came home late, did you go to a party or something?"

A party? Why would Scott think that? I only have a handful of friends, and even if they did invite me to a party, Scott would've known about it seeing as we share the same friends. "No, I was hanging out with Danny and Jackson." I replied, pouring myself some coffee to wake me up more.

"Jackson's back?!" My brother asked in shock as he choked on his sandwich. Huh, I guess maybe I shouldn't mention that Jackson may be coming back to Beacon Hills to visit for a few days, not that they'd bump into each other, seeing as Jackson said the cabin was out of town.

And now that I've just reminded myself of the cabin, I've been thinking a lot about that too. I mean if everything goes all topsy turvy after my talk with Isaac, out of town would be really good for the both of us. So if we have a massive fight, which I'm hoping won't happen, one of us will have to move out for awhile. And since Isaac has no place else to go, it would be rude of me to kick me out.

Which only leaves me. I guess I could stay at Stiles' house a few nights, that or crash at Peter's apartment while he's nowhere to be seen, and it's it not like he has to know. "What? No, he was on Skype." I corrected my brother, which sent him in relief.

"Right, well are you busy today?" He asked. Hmm, am I busy today? I don't think I actually had any plans other than sitting down with some junk food while watching a bit of TV. Just the usual lazy day in. "I was thinking of re-watching a few seasons of Supernatural, but since you asked, I'm guessing you already have something planed for us?"

Scott nodded his head. "Long story short; Stiles' dad wants us to see if we can get a lock on this girl's scent so we can try find her body. It's for one of his old cases he had eight years ago, you coming?" I wonder why he's re-looking into his old cases? "Sure, why not." I said as I took a sip of my coffee. "So is Isaac coming or is he still sleeping?"

"He left early this morning." Scott answered. Well that doesn't make sense, Isaac never wakes up early. Why would he leave the house early? I guess he could've gone for a run or something, not that he does that. "Oh, well did he say where he was going?"

Maybe he was getting some fresh air and just lost track of time? Scott looked up from his almost empty plate. "He left before I could ask." Where could he have gone in such a hurry? He doesn't exactly do much in his spare time. There has to be some reason why he got up early?

And I don't want to go back to being paranoid, but what if he met up with Allison? What if Isaac lied to me when he said that he sorted things out with her but didn't because they're actually hooking up? He told me he loved me, but what if he loves Allison too. Or what if he loves just her and I'm just the other girl he used to love.

No, I'm just being stupid. Why am I putting myself through this again? I'm overthinking things when they're just friends, nothing is going on between them, at least not anymore. "Hey, are you okay?" Scott asked as I snapped out of my thoughts. I glanced at my twin before chugging down the last three mouthfuls of my coffee.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Anyway, I should be asking you that question." I've been so caught up in my own issues that I haven't bothered to ask how my own brothers are doing. I can't imagine what he and Stiles are up against, they must be terrified. I mean I would if I died and came back to life again, having hallucinations and sleep paralysis.

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