Adonte took a seat across from his grandpop, putting his book bag beside his feet. He took the butter knife and smeared the strawberry preserve on his toast.

Adonte knew his grandma was the type to make big breakfasts but considering he wasn't much of a morning eater, he only liked three things: bacon, sausage, and toast with strawberry jelly on it.

"Thank you grandma!" He took a bite into the toast, hearing it crunch even though it was like it melted in his mouth from the butter she cooked it with.

"You're welcome grandson. What you drinking?" Vivian asked as always. Adonte lifted a bottle water and she nodded, holding a thumbs up. After straightening up the kitchen, she finally listened and took a seat with them both.

"About time you listen to me woman."

"Oh shush Roy."

Adonte chuckled at their teasing as he finished his breakfast quickly. He had to walk a couple blocks to get to his bus stop and the last thing he wanted was to be late. Adonte did not want to be driven to school by Roy in his old hooptie. He couldn't wait for the day he saved up enough money to buy his own vehicle.

His grandparents conversed with one another as he ate the last bite of his sausage. Washing it all down with water, he stood up quickly and grabbed his bookbag. "Alright, see you guys later."

Adonte kissed Vivi's forehead and gave Leroy a simple pat on the back as he passed them.

"Okay! Have a good day and please be careful, don't get into any trouble. Don't forget you have practice today not a shift." His grandmother reminded and Don nodded, untangling his earphones. "Okay,got it!" He said then pushed the screen door to exit the house.

The last thing Adonte would forget was his boxing training. He enjoyed it and he had a reason of doing it: he did it for his uncle. It was one day he spent with his uncle that changed his life completely. His uncle showed him all the ropes to California on the hood side.

Just coming from prison and needing quick money, his uncle had to do what he had to do. Adonte's grandparents needed someone to watch him that day and his uncle was the only one available. Other than the street hustle, his uncle begin to talk about his dreams of becoming a boxer.

Though he was young, Adonte listened to him intently and watched the moves he made when showing him his boxing skills. It all went left when his uncle went to some DrugLord's house however. Besides himself, didn't anyone survive that night as they begin shooting. Ever since that scaring experience, Adonte has been determined to live out his uncle dream.

He knew him for almost less than two days but he was a big influence on him. Adonte stuffed his earphones into his ears, starting to play Tupac, California love -something he found himself playing often to start his day in this city. He bobbed his head to the catchy beat, continuing to walk to the bus stop quickly.

Coming across a huddle of teenagers, Adonte stood next to the stop sign and kept his distance. Some of the males side eyed him as they passed a lit blunt around and girls crowded around them to get their attention. They didn't bother Adonte though, they were used to his standoffish ways.

The airless bus pulled up and they all climbed on, Adonte phone begin to shuffle to another song to blast in his ear. He could smell the weed as he passed by seats to find an empty one. An unknown guy smirked at Adonte making him knit his eyebrows together. Adonte found out quickly that he wasn't smirking at him but mostly in general as a female sucked him off-the seats blocking the view of what was taking place from the bus driver and others to see unless they pass.

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