Plan of Attack

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Meghan's Pov:
"JoJo" I splattered through a full mouth of chips, she just looked at me like I was disgusting but I didn't care. I walked over to the couch where she was sitting hands full of an over flowing bowl of chips. "JoJo" she wiped away a piece of chip I spat at her accidentally when I spoke. "Yes Meghan?" "What is the plan?" I asked putting the chips on the coffee table. "Not to spit chips on my face" "oh yeah sorry about that" I said awkwardly.
"Well let's just go through all his social media acc's and read all the gossip on him" she added. "Wait that means we are stalking him" "yep". "Then this afternoon we can get all of us to go out for a movie and I will take it from there". "What are you going to do?" I sounded concerned. "Don't worry I have this" she said yet I wasn't fully convinced. We went on Social media for four hours and my hands and eyes were sore yet I hadn't found anything. This was pointless.
"Let's ring up the boys" JoJo said taking her eyes off Charlie's Instagram. "Agreed"
JoJo rang Ryan and I rang Char.

We all meet at a lunch bar down town.

"I need to go to the bathroom" Charlie said politely excusing himself.
Great this allowed us time to explain everything to Ryan.

"Ry" I hissed and he looked up. "Yeah" "this isn't a normal get together we are actually spying on Charlie" I said he looked so confused so JoJo added "he has been acting funny lately to Meghan and there is something strange between him and Selena Gomez so we need your help to find out what it is". "Ok well...." But before he could speak Charlie sat back down and suddenly it looked like the three of us were going to be sick as we noticed Charlie might have heard that!

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