Chapter 2

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I ran to the door to see where he went. Both hallways were deserted. Hes gone.

But how did he get away that fast. Well, I have to go to sleep I got autographs to sign tomorrow. I closed the door, being sure to lock it and changed into sweat pants and a crop top, which is what I normally sleep in.
I laid on the bed, a bit uncomfortable and burrowed in the blankets.

It didn't take me too long to fall asleep,no dreams, of course.

I woke up slowly to the sound of somebody knocking on my door. I yawned sitting up and pulling the blankets off.

Three more loud knocks and I snapped
"I'm coming damnit!"

I went to the door, unlocking it, opening it up and I was basically attacked with a hug.

"Get off" I said, Leslie pulled me over and sat on my bed with me "what do you want?" I asked
"Guess what?" She asked excitedly
"What?" I yawned rubbing my eyes
"I think Lestat likes you!" She practically yelled
"No, Leslie, he doesn't" I shake my head

As great as it would be, for Lestat to like me, its not possible. I got zero chances with him...

"Did you see how he was looking at you, during the concert?" She laughed
"He was just staring at you..." She said
"Oh drop it Leslie," I rolled my eyes
"Fine" she said getting up and going to the door
"We got autographs later remember and then we can be free for a while" she laughed "before the show that is" .

I nodded and she left, closing the door. Now, time to find a decent dress or outfit. I get up going to the rack of clothes, my wardrobe basically.

I pick out a dress with the sides cut out, because why not. And finishing it with red heels. I have yet to break them in and I'm wearing them for the show tonight, so why not wear them now!

I stumbled a little and go over to the vanity mirror, sitting in the fluffy chair. Ok so makeup now! I'm terrible at making decisions so here goes nothing

~30 minutes later~

I finally figured out what I'm doing! It's nothing to big. Just some dark makeup.

I'm really good at applying it so it didn't take long

I'm really good at applying it so it didn't take long

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After like maybe ten minutes, I finally got done. I stand up and look at myself in the mirror happily, going out the door. I walked to the stage, where I was gonna meet the band. Being my clumsy self, I, of course stumbled a bit in the high heels, and fell back but was caught by a pair of strong arms.

I look up and saw the most beautiful eyes ever, Lestat! I blushed and got up turning to him quickly. He was smirking

"Better be careful, wouldn't want you getting hurt" he said, he still had a bit of a French accent.
"Th-thanks for catchin' me" I stuttered like an idiot, staring up at him.
"Take a picture it will last longer" he smirked and put his fingers under my chin, titling my head up.
I closed my eyes expecting a kiss, but I felt his fingers, which now that I think about it, were ice cold.
I opened my eyes again and he was gone. Just like that out of my sight.

Yeah way to make a girl swoon Lestat!

My mind still racing, I made my way to the stage, everyone was there. Richie being an idiot, Jordan talking to Leslie, just the same.

This is the dress but it's not specifically her😂

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This is the dress but it's not specifically her😂

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Thanx Guys

Love ya twin!

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