"Whoo! We did it!" Rei cheered, getting off of Chihiro, who groaned in pain.

"Think again." Another Yosuga appeared, sitting on a tree branch not too far away from them. They all looked at her, astonished as she jingled the bells in her hand with a smirk.

"But-" Rei stuttered, looking back at the Yosuga who stood in the sticky puddle. She fizzled out into static, along with the bells in Tenshi's hand. He let out a surprised yelp, shaking his hands in fear of being shocked. "It was a clone the whole time!?"

"A ninja must see through deception." Yosuga recited, jumping down from the branch. The bell, signaling the end of the test, rang. "If I could of been beaten by three genin, then I'd have no business being your Sensei. Though, while it's true that my lightening clones only hold one tenth of my actual strength, and I was barely trying, I am slightly impressed with the way you fought. You worked together in what seemed to be a fairly thought out plan, which turned out to be successful. Maybe having you as my students won't be such a pain in the ass after all."

"But, since none of us got a bell..." Rei started.

"Doesn't that mean we'll get sent back to the academy?" Tenshi finished.

"Technically, you did get the bells, didn't you?" Yosuga raised an eyebrow. The three brightened up, but only for a moment. They shared wary glances.

"So... who's going back?" Rei hesitantly asked. The other two didn't answer for a while. Yosuga simply smirked as they seemed to have a conversation with their eyes. Tenshi eventually sighed.

"I guess I'll-"

"I'll do it!" Rei raised his hand.

"Rei!?" The other two exclaimed.

"So Rei is going back to the academy?" Yosuga asked.

"If Rei is going... then I'm going too." Tenshi stuffed his hands in his pockets, a determined look on his face. The two looked at Chihiro. She sighed.

"It's not really a team if I'm the only one on it..." She mumbled, rolling her eyes. They all then looked at Yosuga, who tittered.

"So all of you are just going to redo all six of your academy years?" She crossed her arms.

"We either all pass, or we all fail, Sensei." Tenshi spoke.

"Well if you put it that way, I guess you all pass." Yosuga shrugged.

"Man, my mom is gonna kill me- wait, what? What!?" Rei's eyes widened. Tenshi raised an eyebrow.

"We pass? Why?" Chihiro's eyebrows furrowed.

"Why not? You all came at me with the intention to kill, just like I said. If you didn't, you would have had no chance at winning. Though you didn't do much of anything, Tenshi." Tenshi simply shrugged. "You all worked together, despite that meaning that one of you would have to go back to the academy, and when it came down to it, you all stuck together. Risks come with being a ninja, and sometimes sacrifices must be made. You handled that quite nicely. As far as I'm concerned, you all pass."

"We pass!?" Rei exclaimed.

"That's what I said, didn't I?" Yosuga placed her hands on her hips. Rei seemed to get stars in his eyes as they glazed over, overwhelmed by how amazing his Sensei was. He entered a trance of elation, a dumb grin on his face as he stared at Yosuga.

"Pull yourself together, man." Tenshi smacked the back of his head. "Jeez, how lame." Though a smile crept onto his face, too. Chihiro smiled, but that was only indicated by the crinkle of her eyes, her scarf covering her mouth. Yosuga rolled her eyes with a small smile.

"Alright, losers. You're off for the rest of the day. Tomorrow, we will complete our first training session as Team 3, so be ready." She announced before vanishing in a flash of lightning.

"Yes, Sensei!" The three chorused.

"She's so cool!" She heard Rei squeal before she left.


"Hi, Yosuga!" Sakura cheerfully greeted. "How's your genin team going?"

"Oh hey Sakura. They're okay, I guess. They're complete morons, but they have potential." Yosuga shrugged.

"Good, that's good. And... you?" Sakura's tone softened. Yosuga slowly came to a stop, pausing for a moment. Her hand subconsciously rubbed her forearm. Her smile dimmed at the certain memory, but after closing her eyes and shaking her head of the thought, the smile was brought back.

"Better." She answered. At first she thought she'd regret telling Sakura about that day, but she actually found it comforting to have her check up on her ever now and then. Sakura smiled back.


Lol when u still suck at fighting scenes and nothing has changed

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