I shook my head, trying to pull back the tears.

"No," I argued. "No, no, no - NO! You can't be serious! You can't just leave me!" I shrieked.

Uncle Bobby gave me a defeated look.

"Look, Ella, I love you like a daughter-"

That's when the tears came out. I was losing everyone in less than a week.

"You - all of you," Debby said, looking at Dominic, Alyssa, Jeremy, and I, "-you guys have your lives to live. We've already lived our lives. Don't let your parents be dead for nothing."

"No!" I screamed again.

Suddenly, a Zombie's arm punched through the cafeteria door, which I happened to be in front of. I screamed in fright, but before I could move, another hand punched through the door and grabbed my waist.


Everyone started shooting it. I heard it shriek before it lost its grip on me. I instantly ran to the closest person, who happened to be Jeremy.

"Run!" Dominic ordered, grabbing Alyssa's hand as Jeremy grabbed mine and started running.

I could hear the Zombies breaking down the door.

We followed my uncle Bobby and aunt Debby across the cafeteria and down into the basement.

"Uncle Bobby, where are you taking us?" I wondered as Jeremy dragged me down the stairs.

Letting go of Jeremy's hand, I gasped at what surrounded us. Gasoline.

Gallons of gasoline. Everywhere.

"Uncle Bobby..." I whispered, coming into my own conclusions. He did not look at me. He just walked to the back of the room and pushed a huge barrel out of the way, revealing a small trap door.

"Come on, all of you. Out."

I glared at him like he had grown two heads.

"What?" I demanded, panicking.

"You heard me, Ella," Uncle Bobby growled, looking at the ground.

He was avoiding my eyes.

"Uncle Bobby, look at me," I begged, taking a step forward. He sighed, and looked up. He looked like he had aged considerably between yesterday and today. There were bags under his eyes, and blood was dripping from his lip. "I'm not leaving you. And you can't leave me."

We stared at each other for a long time, but the sound of groans finally distracted us. They were getting closer.

"Ella, please," I heard Debby said behind me.

I shook my head.

I wasn't leaving them. I just wasn't.

"Ella, please," Uncle Bobby whispered. I looked up at him. I could hear the Zombies banging against the door. "Please, for your mother. Do it for my sister."

OK. That hit a nerve. I took a deep breath and swallowed hard, but nodded. Behind me, the Zombies continued banging the door hard. Damn it, that door was going to come down at any second.

In silence, Alyssa opened the trap door first and crawled in. Dominic was next, followed by Jeremy.

I took one last look at my uncle, who was trying hard not to cry, and was not looking at me.

I smiled weakly. That was my uncle, putting on his poker face.

I turned to Debby and waved before crawling through the small door.

There were spiderwebs everywhere. I bet they hadn't used this door since the school was first built. As we moved, the back of the school parking lot was coming into view. A hand was held out to help me up. I grabbed it, and Jeremy pulled me up to my feet.

"What now?" Alyssa asked as she wrapped her sweater around herself.

It was getting cold considering Fall was coming.

I bit my lip and glanced around the parking lot. My uncle's truck was in the middle of the lot, waiting for us.

"Come on," I said, putting my hands into my pockets and walking to the truck. They followed in silence.

When we got to the truck, the keys were already in the ignition, and in the trunk were bags of guns and knives: anything we could think of to kill a Zombie.

"Jeremy, you're diving," I said, emotionless.

He nodded and got into the driver seat. I opened the door and was about to get in when suddenly, I heard an explosion and felt wind at the back of my head.

The school had just exploded.

It was on fire, and black smoke was surrounding it. I couldn't take it. I screamed, readying myself to run back, when strong arms were holding me.

"Ella, it's too late!" Dominic shouted.

I tried to push him away, to loosen his grip, but it didn't work.

My eyes widened when I saw the Zombies coming from the back of the school straight at us.

They were still alive? There were only a few which meant that the rest had been killed.

"Get in the car," Dominic ordered, finally letting go of me.

He shoved Alyssa and I into the back, then he got into the passenger seat.

"Drive, dude!" Dominic ordered Jeremy.

"I'm going," Jeremy yelled back.

He turned the key sharply, and slammed his foot on the gas pedal. I watched as the Zombies seemed to fade into the distance, and suddenly anger rose inside me.

Without thinking, I opened the back window and jumped through it into the trunk.

"Ella!" Alyssa yelled.

"Keeping driving," Dominic ordered Jeremy, smirking.

It seemed like he was the only one who knew what I was going to do because, hell, I didn't even know what I was going to do!

Quickly, I opened the bags, rifling around until I found exactly what I wanted. I smiled as I grabbed the grenade. I tore the top off with my teeth, and threw the grenade at the group of Zombies pursuing us. My smile grew wider as it went off.

I hopped back into my seat with the three pairs of eyes looking at me.

"None deserve to live," I responded crossing my arms.

If Uncle Bobby and Aunt Debby didn't get to live...neither did they.

You Can't Cuddle With A Zombie (Old Verison)Where stories live. Discover now