[7]: deep sleeper

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  As soon as mom came back with the groceries she insisted that I help her cook dinner because of her obvious misfortune of not knowing how to do so. 

  "Here." She passed the carrots over to me across the island. "Start cutting these." Pulling her long black locks into a loose ponytail, she went to the sink and start cleaning the uncooked steak.

I didn't mind cooking at all, in fact I loved it as much I as I loved writing and reading. But I just hated school with a passion.

  "Are you inviting Luke over for dinner?" She asked over the running water.

"Not tonight, mom." I sigh as my mind go back to him cancelling our plan to have sex tonight.

"Is something going on between you two? That's why you're so stressed and taking all your anger out on me?"

I put the bright carrots into a large bowl and began to cut another one. "No, we're fine and I'm sorry about that. I'm starting my period soon so."

She chuckled and went over to the stove. "Oh, it's alright. But you're right about me cooking because of Harry."

"I am?"

"Yeah, he likes meals."

"I'm done with the carrots." I looked up and saw that my mother was struggling on which seasonings she needed.

When I was about to come over to stop her Harry walked in and came up from behind her, making her pull away from the cabinets and turned around to face him. "Need something?" She asked him and he just shook his head and attached his lips to hers in surprise. A little bit of jealously crept up on me. I looked back down at the bowl of carrots and when I assumed that they were done because of the talking I looked back up but I made sure I had a smile on my face.

"You know what, mom? I got it all covered. You can go."

She pouted and Harry held her tighter. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." I answered very quickly.

"Alright, Prim. I owe you."

Harry pulled her out of the kitchen while they both laughed against each other. And not once did he look at me. I can't believe I said yes to him coming in my room tonight.

By the time dinner was over mom was on the couch sleeping on Harry's shoulder. When it was a commercial break I turned around to see Harry looking very uncomfortable.

"Something wrong?" I laugh softly.

"My arm's asleep." He squirms.

"Sorry about that. She's been working all day and she probably fights her sleep to spend time with you."

"Yeah, I'm gonna take her up to bed."

"Good luck." I whisper and continue to watch the show that was now back on.

It didn't take Harry long to come back down. "Your mom is a really deep sleeper."

"Mhm, I'm not." I smirked, remembering the first night they had woke me up from their loud sex. But I always try to forget about that. 

"I noticed." He laughed and I got up to sit next to him.

  "Why are you so far away from me? I won't bite."

  Furrowing my brows, I looked down at the space between us. "We're like an inch apart."

  He does a short chuckle and stretches his arms and groans. "I'm going to bed."

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