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Astrid POV

This hotel is amazing! They gave us cookies at the check in desk, and there is a pool. But I think the best part has to be the fact that Zach and Will are in a different hotel. I see a blur of people rush in the door. I know that blur of a family. It's Pewdiepie, Marzia , Sami and Chloe! I haven't seen the best fraternal twins in for ever! 

" Chlo! Sam!" I scream running over to them. 

"Twinkels!" They scream. Twinkels is my nickname because of my love of everything galexy. Chloe, Sami and I have a group hug that KD joins soon after we end up walking to our rooms vloging, Change into my one piece galaxy swim suit and meet all the kids at the pool. Now I'm glad I brought my night vision, underwater and water proof cameras. 

We are all together now. Every last kid. Boys and their ages: Cal 14, Mason 17, Rory  13, Aaron17, Jack 10, Liam 19, Jesse 15, Hunter 14, James 11, Quinn 14, and Cameron 14.

And the girls (Go LADIES!!) : Myself 14, Katelyn 14, Saphire (Saph) 14,  Zoe 5 (she is such a cute kid that we all love to play with!), Mika 17, Laurun 10, Bianca 10, Iris 17, Daliah almost 14, Bree 14, Ella 8, Kiki and Diane twins, 19, Ali 15, Eli 14, and Margret 13, and Mary 7.

In total that is 28 people. We take pictures ond Videos all night. Well, untill 11 when we had to get out. The kids 10 and under as well as the people who wanted to sleep (Aka the people over 16) left to sleep. Some people just left to go to their rooms. That left us with The Rebels, Saph, Hunter, Ali, Eli, Daliah, Cal, Breeze, and Rory. 

"Sorry about not being on the plane with us Rory," Hunter says to brek the ice of those of us left. 

" Nah. It's chill. I met some funny little boys who wach my videos, and why are we talking in a lobby when we could be in a hotel room," Rory answers. Chill as usual. 

" Ya we can't make an evil plan to get Zach back in a public place," Saph agrees. 

" But tomorow. I am tired. Plus theres vidcon tomorow." Ali continues. Quinn decieds that we will meet up after the meet and greet. And we disperse to be ready for tomorow

Plz don't kill me I have been super busy with soccer and school I will try to make the next one longer. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2016 ⏰

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