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Cm punks pov

I thought long and hard about who i wanted the list in my head leans me towards levi, I mean levi may seem crazy but she is judged before she is known, I don't know anything about her but i can guess she just needs someone to love her. Then there is Emma she is confident sexy easy to want but that's the problem easy to want can turn bad and that is how hearts get broken if you fall in love I follow levi again i wonder what's happening to me my mind is being run my 2 girls one is in need of love and affection and the other has men wanting her who would you choose.

Levis pov

I sit and watch raw, when cm punk came down I can't help thinking about him, "he wouldn't look at you twice, your fat, ugly, you make the teletubbies look sexy" "shut up leave me alone" "poor levi, can just keep dreaming about one cm punk, he isn't dreaming about you" " stop it stop it" "no one cares your just a girl with a name, that is all you will ever be," tears stream down my face, "he tweeted me though why would he tweet I'm not the girl with just a name I can't be" "hahaha he feels sorry for you, he can't stand the sight of you, who would I'm surprised you didn't break camaras and screens looking like that, they laugh levi they all laugh" i cut again then sob into my pillow.

The voices kept keeping me away from my twitter they tell me the truth I am what they say I am they tell me often enough, it is like when people tell you the same thing over and over you believe it because you hear it more then once, rhydian was the same he would be the same, torture me make me feel as if no one wanted me, that I was stuck with him till my last breathe, he abused me not just like the voices and torment me he really abused me.

Tweeting with a twitter fake (cm punk)Where stories live. Discover now