2 - Jason's Girlfriend's Mom Pays A Visit

Start from the beginning

"We've been through this whole thing before," Percy stopped her. "We freaking defeated the literal Earth. I don't think some mechanical flies will be so hard to get past."

She only shrugged. "Good luck, heroes."

And with that, she vanished in a puff of smoke, and in her place was the strong scent of perfume and a map.

Jason snatched it up. "Whoa, Percy, this thing has all kinds of extra pit stops for the gods, immortal restaurants, safe zones from monsters... I thought the camps were the only places safe from monster attacks."

"So did I," Percy answered. Jason held out the map so they could both see. "Dude, do we get to keep this or is she going to want it back?"

"Well I definitely hope we can keep it. This could be really helpful on quests."

Percy started the car. "Where'd she say we were going? Colorado?"

"Yeah, right here." He pointed to a little pink circle on the map of the United States. Then his finger hovered over a blue and a green dot. "This must be us."

"It'll follow our movements," Percy noted. "A magic map."

Jason refolded the map and stuck it in the glove compartment. He leaned back, saying, "You know, you have a death wish. You can't talk to Aphrodite like that."

"Like what?"

"Dude, you're so sassy."

"Oh, yeah? Says the kids who just told the goddess of love that she had bad taste in guys."

Jason covered his face with his arms. "Just drive."


"I'm starting to get tired of Sour Patch Kids."

Percy feigned a gasp. "Are you asking to be thrown out of this car?"

Jason threw up his arms. "I'm just saying. Maybe we should go through a drive-thru or something."

Percy took the last sip of his blue Coke. "Pizza?"

"I could do for pizza."

"We should probably find a place to stay, too. A motel with a good pool."

Jason nodded in agreement. After another half hour of driving, they reached a city. Hills surrounded on either side, and the sun was setting just behind them. Percy stopped at an old motel, nothing fancy but not too bad.

As they entered the lobby, which was hard to even call a "lobby" considering how small it was, the boys walked up to a man sitting at the desk. "What can I do you for?" he asked in a low voice. He looked like a nice enough guy as he grinned at the two and scratched his stubbly chin.

Jason opened his mouth to reply, but Percy beat him to it.

"Is there a pool around here?" he asked eagerly. Jason exhaled a laugh.

"We got pool in the game room, and a lake down the trail out back."

A lake. Even better.

"We'll take a room for the night. Two beds. Non-smoking, please."

The man sized them up. "What are you kids doing traveling alone?"

"We're older than we look," Jason lied. Percy knew he was really sixteen, while Percy himself had only turned seventeen recently. "We're college kids. Heading up north back to the family. We're cousins."

At least half of it was true.

The man grunted in approval and gave them their room key. Once they were in their dark, cramped room, Percy dropped his things and dug through his bag for his swimsuit. "Going to the lake. You can come if you want."

Jason waved off the question. "I'm going to order the pizza. I'll IM Piper, then probably just go to bed. Tomorrow's my driving shift so I figure I'd better get some sleep."

"Alright, man. I'll be back in a half hour for pizza. Make sure there's pepperoni on it." And with that, he left.

It was a short hike on the trail to the lake. Once he was there he could only hear the chirping of the frogs. The air was cool, more so than the water of the large, dark lake. He stepped in, then waded his way through lily pads and mucky water. Just until he could finally get completely underwater.

The water was murkier than he was used to. It was almost difficult to breathe with all the muck, but he continued to go deeper.

Then he heard something. A sob? He didn't know who could possibly be crying underwater, but he followed the sound.

There was a faint green glow coming from just ahead. As he neared it, he realized it was a nymph. Her hair flowed with the current, and so did her long, green dress. She sat on a large rock at the bottom of the lake, her face in her hands as she cried.

"Uh, hi?" Percy said unsurely.

She looked up at him with wide eyes, and he noticed she looked a lot like Juniper, a tree nymph his satyr friend Grover was dating from back at Camp Half-Blood. "How are you breathing underwater, mortal?" she asked, a mix of anger and surprise on her face.

"I'm a son of Poseidon," he explained. "A demigod."

"I see." She crossed her arms, trying to regain her composure. "What are you doing here? This isn't the ocean."

"I'm staying not far from here. Came for a swim--helps me think. Are you okay?"

Her eyes grew intense. "No, I'm definitely not okay. Do you see this? This lake is disgusting! The mortals are stealing all the fish. And the other nymphs... I can't find them. I worry they're dying. Too weak to take form."

"Can't you guys just clean it up?"

She glared at him. "You think we haven't tried? This has grown out of proportions! It is uncontrollable."

For a moment, Percy was afraid this nymph was a little too alike those that he met with Piper and Jason back at the temple in Rome. "Hey, I can help. I bet there's some way to fix this and get your friends back."

She sighed. "I'm Clyte."

"Percy," he answered. "And I have a friend with me. His name is Jason, and he's back on the surface. I'm sure he'd help too."

"Another demigod?"

Percy nodded. "A son of Jupiter. Er, Zeus, if you're Greek."

Her eyes weren't so puffy anymore, and she looked like she was considering. "Yes, you should bring your friend here. A child of Zeus can help greatly."

For some reason, the sound of that made him uncomfortable. Something about the way she said it made him wonder if maybe she was too alike Hagno and the other nymphs. He hoped Clyte wasn't planning to pull any stunts to try and suck the power out of them. That definitely wasn't fun the last time it happened, plus they'd had Piper with them. She ended up saving them.

"Alright," he said. "I'm going to go get him. I'll be back in just a little while."

"And I will be waiting, Percy."

He willed the water to pull him to the surface. He broke through and was bathed in the light of the nearly set sun. He walked across the surface toward the way he came, but something caught his ankle.

He looked down to find hands grabbing at him, pulling him down. He was so surprised he couldn't seem to stop himself from sinking.

Then, something hit him on the back of his head, and he blacked out.

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