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"Kellin get up." My eyes snap open and I leap backwards my head hitting a wall. I groan grabbing the back of my now-aching head.

Suddenly I realize that I'm not at home. Where am I? I frantically look around at my surroundings and my eyes land on the annoyed-looking Vic. I then remember all the events of yesterday.

"Breakfast is ready." Vic mutters before he leaves.

I yawn and stretch before getting out of bed. I honestly think that was the best sleep I've ever had. I walk out of the room and can immediately smell something amazing. I walk downstairs and follow the smell and the sound of clatter into the dining room.

"Morning Kiddo." Mr. Fuentes grins pulling out a chair at the dining table next to Vic and motioning for me to sit down.

"Good morning." I murmur quietly before sitting down.

Vic gives me an annoyed look and I anxiously start picking at the hole in my jeans. Did I do something wrong?

I notice a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me and my stomach growls. Not sure if I'm allowed to eat, I just stare at the food hungrily.

"Vic, can you come shopping with me and Kellin later?" Mrs. Fuentes asks Vic who's now eating but that annoyed look hasn't left his face.

"No." Vic says simply as he continues to eat.

"Please. I'll buy you a CD." Mrs. Fuentes bargains.

"Make it two." Vic replies and Mrs. Fuentes sighs nodding. I wonder why she wants Vic to come with us so badly.

"Aren't you going to eat, Kellin?" Mr. Fuentes asks.

I nod and pick up the knife and fork before I start eating. I think I've eaten more in the last two days than I have in my whole life. Okay, that's an exaggeration but in all honesty, my parents would only feed me every few days. Sometimes they'd forget to feed me for a week straight and I'd pass out from hunger. My parents always told me that I had to earn the right to eat. I guess eating is just a daily occurrence in the Fuentes home.

"Would you like something to drink Kellin?" Mrs. Fuentes asks.

"Can I please have some water?" I ask quietly and she nods before walking off into the kitchen.

"So what do you like to do for fun, Kellin?" Mr. Fuentes asks.

I try to answer the question but I can't. I don't do anything for fun. I wasn't allowed to have a phone or videogames or toys like any other kids. I usually spent the day staring up at the ceiling thinking. Sometimes I had to do chores but that wasn't fun, it was nerve-racking. If I didn't do something to my parent's expectations, then I'd get beaten. If I so much as breathed the wrong way in their presence or looked them in the eye, then I'd get beaten. It was hard growing up with them but I guess that was normal, right? Most people's parents were like that, weren't they?

"I don't know." I murmur answering the question.

"Well, I suppose we'll have to find something for you that you enjoy." He smiles and I nod smiling back.

Mrs. Fuentes walks into the room holding my glass of water.

"Here you go, Honey." She says as she hands me the glass of water.

"Thank you." I whisper taking the glass.

She smiles at me and sits down. I bring the glass up to my lips and take a sip of the water. Halfway through my mouthful I feel something hit the back of my head and the glass slips from my hands landing on the floor and smashing. I instantly freak out and push my chair back.

A Whole New World (Kellic) - boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now