Chapter 5:

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I will have a time skip in this story to kind of get to the point my little vampies. Hope you enjoy..

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(the next day)

I woke up feeling a little bit weird. I was still thinking about if the book was real or not.  But I told myself that I didn't believe in vampires. So why am I so worked up about it? It's just a book. Really its just a book that I can't really believe at all. Vampires are just a joke to scare humans off. 

Blood sucking humans that are good looking and have fangs. Drink blood of its victims that are innocent or not. Just to survive. I never thought anything like that could happened in our world. Not to mention the book saying my name and the picture of my family.  I really want to know what the author knows about me.

My mind is filled with questions I needed to know. I sighed getting up from bed and getting ready for school. Then my phone buzz with a text message from Vannah. Saying that today school is canceled.

Wow really school is canceled but why in the last minute....

Vannah: hey gurl get ready for the Halloween party okay and coming to get u around 8 kk

I texted back saying okay. I was about to get ready for the party when I heard a glass fell. I quickly unlocked my door and ran towards my dad's room.


I realized the room was so cold like no one was in here for months. 

"Dad," I called again.

When I saw a dark figure standing by the huge window in the shadow in the corner of the room. "Dad are you okay? " I asked still walking towards the figure.

"Don't get any closer okay."

"They did this to me," my dad kept on muttering under his breath.

"Dad what did they do to you?" I asked. 

"Liza. Listen to me go to the party and your questions will be answered but be careful they'll be creatures after you just know that you will always be my little girl and that I will always love you no matter what."

"Dad you're talking insane again."

He went deep into the shadow and I kept walking towards him. When I got closer to touch him and see if he was okay. A hand touch me but the hand didn't feel human at all.


"Forgive me Liza all I did was trying to protect you and I failed not only my kingdom but your mother also," he said but not with his voice.

I looked at his hand. It was all green and shiny looking just like a reptile would look like. 


"It's a curse they put upon me sweetheart for not protecting you like I should."

I couldn't speak.

I just stood there stiff looking at his hand.

"Dad your hand," I said sounding a lot scared than I should be. 

He came into the light so I can finally see what he had become. To my amaze he didn't look scary at all.

"Dad its okay," I said about to touch his face. His eyes turned red and he jumped out the window.

"Dad!" I yelled.

I looked after him and he stopped to look back.

I watched his mouth move trying to tell me something. But before I could do anything or say anything back he was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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