Chapter One: Damn Village

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A/N: see end for notes 

Yeza trekked through the unpaved terrain, limping quite heavily as red essence flowed out of her left leg. She still wasn't used to this 'bleeding sensation' that mortals experienced nor the flimsy blood they depended on. No matter how many scratches or cuts she got on this mortal skin, bleeding was the only thing that reminded her of just what she had become or had to stay as for the time being. When Eurther brought her down as a guardian, she had never thought that it would be so hard to stay disguised as human or that fighting as human could make her so vulnerable. For the umpteenth time, she sneered at the mortality of humans.

Her last fight with half breed Nascuts Daga1 had been ruthless, they kept coming in larger numbers each time. Her worries that the portal was beginning to stay open longer and stronger were in not vain it seems. The last of the attacker was even wielding a weapon, sliver tip in fact. This means that stronger warriors were now going to come at her, come at them. She inadvertently gave a mental snort at thinking 'them'. He hasn't risen in decades. She was alone now it seems, the Vespre2 was fast approaching and his soul was none the wiser. If this continued, she might have to fight it all on her own and she knew from experience that is wasn't going to be enough. It had never been enough.

'Yeza, the darkness of my soul, the night to all that is holy' a disembodied voice startled her out of these grim thoughts. She knew the voice well though, still smug and high, just as sinister as she remembered. Yet, she didn't answer to the call and continued her path towards that damn village.

'What, not even a little Hello Master? And I went through all this trouble to speak in the mortal tongue you seem have adopted on this hell land' the voice whined.

Yeza couldn't help but retort to that and replied to the sky 'Using your silver tongue has never been a chore for you Torum and you should know better to call this hell land when you are the King of the real hell'. At that, a figure finally materialized in front of her, still misty because the portal still wasn't strong or stable enough to let Torum through but his appearance in itself was extremely unfortunate news.

'Oh don't be like that, moral animosity aside it's good to see you Ol friend o'mine', he said spreading his arms wide in a greeting. Torum looked the same as the last time she saw him, wearing the most ostentatious black robes and hair flowing past his shoulders, as white as snow. His pale face and red rimmed black eyes spoke of his true heritage, blood as pure and lethal as his race can have. The ultimate Nascut Daga of their generation. His visage was like a spirit at this realm due to the weak portal but even with this access only, Torum could cause a lot of damage. This is why Yeza had a slightly protective stance, one move and she would attack, it was duty after all.

'Not two words and you are attacking already?' he feigned a hurt tone, pouting his lips childishly.

'I am not attacking, simply guarding my person. You tried to kill me for ever, last time so forgive my cautions your majesty' Yeza took his title this time because he truly was her king by origin, her choices may defer.

'Oh I love it when you call me that' Torum gave a little happy giggle, acting like a little kid with a candy. He always was one for dramatics.

'Why are you here Torum? I defeated your minions already. You can't fight me with only half your powers and the portal won't be able to send an adequate number of your minions for a while.' Yeza got straight to the point. Even though her wounds were healing, a parting gift from Helena, but she would like to go to her little hut and settle in to prepare for another day of fighting the attackers of that damn village, even as the people stayed oblivious to her efforts.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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