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Sea Bass🐠


Augsome💘: Heyyy.

So how's everything going? We haven't talked much recently.

Augsome💘: Yea, things are going pretty good. I can't wait to start filming again.

Yea I can't either. I'm glad you're gonna be there.
I can't wait to see you again.

Augsome💘: Yea I missed all of you guys a lot.

Yea, all of us.

Augsome💘: What?

Have you gotten the full script yet?

Augsome💘: No not yet. I'm gonna be flying in soon for filming.

Ok let me know when you land and I'll pick you up.

Augsome💘: Ok, cool. Thanks so much Sebastian.

No problem

Anything for you.
(Not delivered)

Author's Note- Oh God they're so awkward.

August →Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now